
This chapter shows how to write converters for your transactions.  Converters facilitate data exchange between components residing in different languages.

If components were written in a common language, you could guarantee they exchanged compatible data simply by requiring they use the same transaction type.  Such components are strongly typed.  Any mismatch in type would be caught by the compiler.

Now let’s say two components were developed such that each agreed more or less on the content of the transaction, but this time their transaction definitions were of different types.  This condition always the case between components written in two different languages--they cannot possibly share a common transaction definition.  To get such components talking to each other requires an adapter, or converter, that translates between the transaction types defined in each language.

This chapter shows how to write converters for your transactions.
Got Transactions?UVM Connect imposes very few requirements on the transaction types being conveyed between TLM models in SV and SC, a critical requirement for enabling reuse of existing IP.
Do You Need a Converter?If your models exchange non-extended TLM Generic Payload transactions, you do not need to concern yourself with transaction or converter definition.
Easy When You Need ThemTo enable non-TLM GP object transfer across the SV-SC boundary, you must define converters in both languages; UVMC makes this an easy process.
SV Conversion optionsHere, we enumerate three different ways to define conversion functionality for your transaction type in SV.
In-TransactionThis approach defines the conversion algorithm in transaction class itself.
Converter ClassFor transactions not extending uvm_sequence_item, you can define a separate converter class extending uvmc_converter #(T).
Field MacrosThis approach defines in-transaction conversion via `uvm_field macro invocations.
SC Conversion OptionsConversion of the transaction type in SC can be defined in at least four ways.
Converter SpecializationDefine a separate class for converting your transaction type.
Converter Specialization, Macro-GeneratedInvoke a convenience macro that defines the converter specialization for you.
In-Transaction - SCDefine do_pack and do_unpack methods in the SC transaction itself.
Custom AdaptorDefine a custom converter for a transaction whose members differ in number, type, size, and declaration order from the corresponding transaction definition in the other language.
Type SupportUVM Connect supports most of the built in types, arrays, and even sub-objects as properties of your transaction class.
On (not) using `uvm_field macrosThe `uvm_field macros hurt run-time performance, can make debug more difficult, and can not accomodate custom behaviors, for example, conditional packing based on the value of another field.
Packing AlgorithmTo pass an object across the language boundary, UVM Connect first calls converter.do_pack, which serializes the transaction contents to a simple bit-vector-like form.
Conversion on the return pathTLM2 communication is pass-by-reference, which we emulate in UVM Connect by copying back changes to the original transaction object upon return from every interface method call.
Deletion on the return pathTLM2 rules mandate the same transaction object be used until the transaction execution is fully completed.
Default ConvertersUVM Connect defines default converters in both SV and SC
Default SV ConverterThe default converter on the SV side is designed to work with uvm_object-based UVM transactions.
Default SC ConverterThe default converter on the SC side is meant to mirror the default in SV--it delegates to do_pack and do_unpack methods of your transaction type.
Converter Parameters and MethodsThe following describes the type parameters and methods of the converter class.
Converter ExamplesThe directory UVMC_HOME/examples/converters contains several examples of transaction conversion in both SystemC (SC) and SystemVerilog (SV)

Got Transactions?

UVM Connect imposes very few requirements on the transaction types being conveyed between TLM models in SV and SC, a critical requirement for enabling reuse of existing IP.  The more restrictions imposed on the transaction type, the more difficult it will be to reuse the models that use them.

  • No base classes required.  It is not required that a transaction inherit from any base class to facilitate its conversion--in either SV or SC.  The converter is ultimately responsible for all aspects of packing and unpacking the transaction object, and it can be implemented separately from the transaction proper.
  • No factory registration required.  It is not required that the transaction register with a factory--via a `uvm_object_utils macro inside the transaction definition or by any other means.
  • It is not required that the transaction provide conversion methods.  The default converter used in SV will expect the transaction type to implement the UVM pack/unpack API, but you can specify a different converter for each or every UVMC connection you make.  Your converter class may opt to do the conversion directly, or it can delegate to any other entity capable of performing the operation.
  • It is not required that the members (properties) of the transaction classes in both languages be of equal number, equivalent type, and declaration order.  The converter can adapt disparate transaction definitions at the same time it serializes the data.  The following are valid and compatible UVM Connect transaction definitions, assuming a properly coded converter:
SV                            SC
class C;                          struct C {
  cmd_t cmd;                        long addr;
  shortint unsigned address;        vector<char> data;
  int payload[MAX_LEN];             bool write;
endclass                          };
  • In UVM SV, it is required that the transaction class constructor not define any required arguments.  It may have arguments, but they all must have default values.  The first constructor argument must be ~string name=””~.

Do You Need a Converter?

If your models exchange non-extended TLM Generic Payload transactions, you do not need to concern yourself with transaction or converter definition.  TLM GP definitions and converters are provided by the libraries, so you may skip this section.

Easy When You Need Them

To enable non-TLM GP object transfer across the SV-SC boundary, you must define converters in both languages; UVMC makes this an easy process.

Defining a converter involves implementing two functions--do_pack and do_unpack--either inside your transaction definition or in a separate converter class.  Although the means of conversion are similar between SV and SC, differences in these languages capabilities cause differences in conversion.

The following sections describe several options available to you for writing converters in SV and SC.

SV Conversion options

Here, we enumerate three different ways to define conversion functionality for your transaction type in SV.

We illustrate each of these options using the following packet definition.

SV Transaction

class packet extends uvm_sequence_item;

  typedef enum { WRITE, READ, NOOP } cmd_t;


  rand cmd_t cmd;
  rand int   addr;
  rand byte  data[$];



This approach defines the conversion algorithm in transaction class itself.

A transaction in UVM is derives from uvm_sequence_item, which defines the do_pack and do_unpack virtual methods for users to implement the conversion functionality.  This option is the recommended option for SV-based transactions.

To use this approach, you declare and define overrides for the virtual do_pack and do_unpack methods in your transaction class.

virtual function void do_pack   (uvmc_packer packer);
virtual function void do_unpack (uvmc_packer packer);

Most transactions in SV should be defined this way, as it is prescribed by UVM and it works with UVM Connect’s SV default converter.  See Default Converters for details.

The following SV packet definition implements the do_pack and do_unpack methods using a set of small utility macros included in the UVM.  These macros implement the same packing functionality as using the packer API or `uvm_field macros, but are more efficient.  See UVMC Converter Example - SV In-Transaction for a complete example of using this approach.

class packet extends uvm_sequence_item;

  typedef enum { WRITE, READ, NOOP } cmd_t;


  rand cmd_t cmd;
  rand int   addr;
  rand byte  data[$];

  constraint C_data_size { data.size inside {[1:16]}; }

  function new(string name="");;

  virtual function void do_pack(uvm_packer packer);

  virtual function void do_unpack(uvm_packer packer);



When implementing the do_pack and do_unpack methods, you may call various methods of the provided packer object, or you can use a set of small, more efficient convenience macros, also provided in UVM.

The following packs an addr field using each approach.  Our example above uses the small-macro approach.

virtual function void do_pack(uvm_packer packer);

   `uvm_pack_int(addr)  -or-
    packer.pack_field(addr,$bits(addr)); //more overhead


Converter Class

For transactions not extending uvm_sequence_item, you can define a separate converter class extending uvmc_converter #(T).  You then specify this converter type when calling The Connect Function.

The following SV packet definition implements the do_pack and do_pack methods required of any custom converter.  The same small macros used in the In-Transaction approach can be used in this approach.  See UVMC Converter Example - SV Converter Class for a complete example.

class convert_packet extends uvmc_converter #(packet);

   static function void do_pack(packet t, uvm_packer packer);

   static function void do_unpack(packet t, uvm_packer packer);


To use a custom converter for a specific TLM connection, specify its type when making connection using The Connect Function.

uvmc_tlm #(packet, convert_packet)::connect( ... );

Field Macros

This approach defines in-transaction conversion via `uvm_field macro invocations.

While this approach also works with UVMC’s default converter, it is far less desirable than the first In-Transaction option.  The `uvm_field macros provide a convenient means of implementing the do methods of uvm_object for most data types, but they have recurring run-time costs and should be avoided, especially if your transaction is slated for widespread reuse, as with VIP-related transactions.

Beause this approach is also compatible with the default converter UVMC uses, so you will not need to specify the converter type when making connections with The Connect Function.  See UVMC Converter Example - SV In-Transaction via Field Macros for a complete example of using this approach.

class packet extends uvm_sequence_item;

  rand cmd_t cmd;
  rand int unsigned addr;
  rand byte data[$];

  constraint C_data_size { data.size inside {[1:16]}; }


  function new(string name="");;


While more succinct than our In-Transaction recommendation, we prefer optimizing for recurring run-time performance over one-time coding convenience.  The macros’ run-time performance is inferior, which affects every user of your transaction class in every simulation.  Even small performance differences can be magnified and significantly affect the upper bound on performance speed-up with accelleration or emulation hardware.  And, as stated before, post-macro-expansion yields hundreds more lines of code compared to implementations that do not employ the `uvm_field macros.  You may eventually have to wade through this code during your debug sessions.  See /uvm-ovm- /MacroCostBenefit for more detail on the topic of macro usage in UVM.

SC Conversion Options

Conversion of the transaction type in SC can be defined in at least four ways.

We illustrate each of these options using the following packet definition.

SC Transaction

class packet {
  enum cmd_t { WRITE=0, READ, NOOP };
  cmd_t cmd;
  int addr;
  vector<char> data;

This transaction has no base class, no methods for packing or unpacking, no macros, etc.  It is a simple container of data representing a bus transaction.

With SystemC, you are more easily able to decouple the transaction data from the algorithms that operate on the data.  The SC transaction and converter definitions are typically in separate classes.  Existing transaction definitions in SC can be used in a UVM Connect context by defining converters for them.

An external converter class requires that all transaction fields be public or have public accessor member functions.  The friend construct in C++ lets you circumvent this protection, but it is not recommended.

Converter Specialization

Define a separate class for converting your transaction type.

In SC, conversion for a transaction is typically defined in a separate class called a template specialization.  C++ allows you to specialize the default converter implementation for a specific transaction type, T.

The converter specialization for our packet type can be defined as follows

#include "uvmc.h"
using namespace uvmc;

template <>
class uvmc_converter<packet> {
  virtual void do_pack(const packet &t,
                       uvmc_packer &packer) {
    packer << t.cmd << t.addr <<;
  virtual void do_unpack(packet &t,
                         uvmc_packer &packer) {
    packer >> t.cmd >> t.addr >>;

When implementing the converter’s do_pack and do_unpack functions, you stream your transaction members to and from the packer variable, an instance of uvmc_packer that is inherited from an internal base class.

To pack, you stream the fields into the packer

packer << t.cmd << t.addr <<;

To unpack, you stream the fields from the packer

packer >> t.cmd >> t.addr >>;

You can stream all the fields with one statement as shown above, or stream in separate statements, perhaps with some conditional and other code in between.

packer << t.cmd;
packer << t.addr;
packer <<;

With this approach, you will not need to specify the CVRT type parameter when calling The Connect Function.  Your converter is automatically chosen by the compiler as an override (specialization) of the default converter.  See UVMC Converter Example - SC Converter Class for a complete example of using this approach.

See Converter Specialization, Macro-Generated, next, for an approach that auto-generates the above converter specialization.

Converter Specialization, Macro-Generated

Invoke a convenience macro that defines the converter specialization for you.

The easist way to define a converter in SC is to invoke one of the UVMC_UTILS macros.  Using this option, our conversion class definition reduces to:

#include "uvmc.h"
using namespace uvmc;

UVMC_UTILS_3 (packet,cmd,addr,data)

That’s it.  The UVMC_UTILS_3 macro expands into the converter specialization defined in Converter Specialization, exactly.  These macros are the “good” macros; they expand into efficient, readable code exactly as you would write it.  See UVMC Converter Example - SC Converter Class, Macro-Generated for a complete example of using this approach.

Keep the following in mind when using the UTILS macros

  • The number suffix in the macro name indicates the number of members of the class being converted.  UVMC supports up to 20 field members, i.e. up to UVMC_UTILS_20.
  • The macros only support types for which the uvmc_packer defines the << and >> operators.  These include all C++ built-in types, strings, vectors, maps, and the SC types sc_bit, sc_logic, sc_bv<N>, sc_lv<N>, sc_int<N>, sc_uint<N>, sc_unsigned<N>, and sc_time.  See UVMC Type Support for details.
  • The UTILS macros also define the operator<< to the output stream for your transaction.  This allows you to stream your transaction contents to cout and other output streams.
packet p;
cout << "Packet p contents are: " << p << endl;
  • The UTILS definition of operator<< to the output stream may interfere with other functions that define operator<<(&ostream).  In this case, use a UVMC_CONVERT macro instead of the UVMC_UTILS macro.  The convert macros only define the converter specialization.  They also support up to 20 field members.
  • All fields named in the UTILS macro invocation must be public members of the transaction.  If they are not, and these members have accessor functions, you can still define an external converter via Converter Specialization without the macros.

In-Transaction - SC

Define do_pack and do_unpack methods in the SC transaction itself.

Although this option works with SC’s default converter, it is not recommended because it hard-codes the transaction to a particular packing and unpacking algorithm.  Keeping the conversion functionality separate allows you to apply different conversion algorithms without having to modify or derive new transaction subtypes.

The following packet transaction definition provides both the content and conversion routines for the transaction.  Because it is compatible with the default SC-side converter, you will not be required to specify converter class when connection with The Connect Function.  See UVMC Converter Example - SC In-Transaction for a complete example of using this approach.

class packet;

  enum cmd_t { WRITE=0, READ, NOOP };

  cmd_t cmd;
  int addr;
  vector<char> data;

  virtual void do_pack(uvmc_packer &packer) const {
    packer << t.cmd << t.addr <<;
  virtual void do_unpack(uvmc_packer &packer) {
    packer >> t.cmd >> t.addr >>;

Custom Adaptor

Define a custom converter for a transaction whose members differ in number, type, size, and declaration order from the corresponding transaction definition in the other language.

With UVMC support for a separate converter class, you are not limited to member-by-member, bit-compatible packing and unpacking.  The only requirement is that the two sides’ conversion routines agree on what and how data are represented in the bits being sent across the language boundary.

Thus, an array of four bytes in SV can be converted to a single unsigned int in SC.  A single longint in SV can be mapped to many possible combinations of the SC integrals: int[2], char[8], vector<char>, sc_bit<64>, sc_int<64>, etc.  See UVMC Converter Example - SC Adapter Class for a complete example of using a “full-custom” approach to transaction conversion.

Type Support

UVM Connect supports most of the built in types, arrays, and even sub-objects as properties of your transaction class.

The uvmc_packer supports packing and unpacking the following types

  • bool
  • char, unsigned char
  • short, unsigned short
  • int, unsigned int
  • long, unsigned long
  • long long, unsigned long long
  • float
  • double
  • sc_bit
  • sc_logic
  • sc_bv<N>
  • sc_int<N>
  • sc_uint<N>
  • sc_bigint<N>
  • sc_biguint<N>
  • enums
  • T[N], where T is one of the above types
  • vector<T>, where T is one of the above types
  • list<T>, where T is one of the above types
  • map<KEY,T>, where KEY and T are among the above types

See UVMC Type Support for more detail and examples.

On (not) using `uvm_field macros

The `uvm_field macros hurt run-time performance, can make debug more difficult, and can not accomodate custom behaviors, for example, conditional packing based on the value of another field.

In UVM 1.1a and prior, uvm_tlm_generic_payload uses the `uvm_field macros.  Its definition expands into almost 600 lines of code, and it’s wrong.  The data and data_enable arrays should be packed according to the length and byte_enable_length fields, but the field macros do not accommodate this.  They pack the entire data and byte_enable buffers, even if one one byte is valid.  Replacing the `uvm_field macros with do_ method implementations is planned for UVM 1.1b.  See /uvm-ovm- /MacroCostBenefit for more on macro usage in UVM.

Packing Algorithm

To pass an object across the language boundary, UVM Connect first calls converter.do_pack, which serializes the transaction contents to a simple bit-vector-like form.  Upon return, your transaction’s canonical representation will be stored inside the converter.  UVM Connect retrieves and passes this canonical data across the language boundary using standard DPI-C.

On the target side, UVM Connect will unpack the canonical data into a new transaction object in the other language.  To do this, UVM Connect first loads the data into the target-side converter.  It then creates a new corresponding transaction object and passes it to converter.do_unpack, which does the reverse operation as pack.  The converter unpacks the canonical data into the new transaction object, effectively reconstituting the original transaction object in the other language.  This resulting transaction is then sent to the connected TLM target.

On the SV side, the default converter’s implementations of do_pack and do_unpack delegate the work to the pack and unpack methods of your uvm_object-based transaction.  If your transaction is not based on uvm_object (or uvm_sequence_item), or if your transaction object does not implement do_pack and do_unpack, you must define a converter for that transaction.

Like the SV side, the default converter on the SC side delegates to do_pack and do_unpack methods of the transaction object, T.  SC-side transactions typically do not implement a UVM-compatible pack/unpack interface.  In most cases, you will need to define a converter for each transaction type in SC.  Fortunately, the UVM Connect library makes this very easy.

Conversion on the return path

TLM2 communication is pass-by-reference, which we emulate in UVM Connect by copying back changes to the original transaction object upon return from every interface method call.

TLM1 communication is a pass-by-value message passing mechanism, so no conversion back to the original request object is done on the return path.

Deletion on the return path

TLM2 rules mandate the same transaction object be used until the transaction execution is fully completed.  This improves run-time efficiency.

For TLM2 blocking transport, the transaction is complete upon return, so it can be reused immediately in a subsequent call.  The target should not retain a reference to any transaction object for this reason.  It must copy the transaction before returning.

TLM2 non-blocking communication typically involves multiple calls back and forth between initiator and target.  During this time, the same transaction object and its proxy on the other side are used throughout the call sequence.  The target-side proxy object is not deleted (SC) or left for garbage collection (SV) until the returned status is TLM_COMPLETED.

TLM1 communication is a pass-by-value message passing mechanism, so the proxy transaction object on the target side is deleted or left for garbage collection upon return from the target.

Default Converters

UVM Connect defines default converters in both SV and SC

All converters define do_pack and do_unpack static methods.  UVMC calls upon these methods to convert an object into a form that can be transferred across the language boundary.  UVMC defines default implementations of the converter, one each for SV and SC.

Default SV Converter

The default converter on the SV side is designed to work with uvm_object-based UVM transactions.  It delegates the actual work to the pack and unpack methods in the transaction, which in turn call the virtual user-defined methods, do_pack and do_unpack.

class uvmc_default_converter #(type T=int)
                      extends uvmc_converter #(T);

 static function void do_pack(T t, uvm_packer packer);
    t.pack(packer); // calls t.do_pack

 static function void do_unpack(T t, uvm_packer packer);
    t.unpack(packer); // calls t.do_unpack


Our packet definition for the In-Transaction approach is compatible with the default SV converter.  This converter, as well as any custom converters you may define, are required to extend from uvmc_converter #(your_trans_type).

Default SC Converter

The default converter on the SC side is meant to mirror the default in SV--it delegates to do_pack and do_unpack methods of your transaction type.

template <typename T>
class uvmc_converter {

  static void do_pack(const T &t, uvmc_packer &packer) {

  static void do_unpack(T &t, uvmc_packer &packer) {

Most SC transaction definitions won’t use this default converter.  Instead, a Converter Specialization is defined to handle your specific transaction type.  The C++ compiler will then automatically choose your specialized definition over the default converter.

Converter Parameters and Methods

The following describes the type parameters and methods of the converter class.


TThe transaction type to be converted.  The default converters requires T to provide the packing and unpacking functionality in do_pack and do_unpack methods.


do_packPacks the given object of type T.  The default implementation in SV requires T be derived from uvm_object, whose do_pack implementation or `uvm_field macros provide the packing functionality.  The default implementation in SC requires T implement a do_pack method with the following prototype:
void pack void do_pack (uvmc_packer &packer) const;
do_unpackUnpacks into given object of type T.  The default implementation in SV requires T be derived from uvm_object, whose do_unpack implementation or `uvm_field macros provide the unpacking functionality.  The default implementation in SC requires T implement an do_unpack method with the following prototype:
void do_unpack (uvmc_packer &packer);

Converter Examples

The directory UVMC_HOME/examples/converters contains several examples of transaction conversion in both SystemC (SC) and SystemVerilog (SV)

How a transaction is converted on one side does not effect your options on the other side.  With four ways to convert a transaction in SC and three ways to do this in SV, there are a total of 12 combinations.  We provide an example for each of these 12 combinations.

See Quickstart 1-2-3 to running examples for setup requirements for running the examples.

Specifically, you will need to have precompiled the UVM and UVMC libraries and set environment variables pointing to them.

Use make help to view the menu of available examples

> make help

You’ll get a menu similar to the following

|                  UVMC EXAMPLES - CONVERTERS                     |
|                                                                 |
| Usage:                                                          |
|                                                                 |
|   make [UVM_HOME=path] [UVMC_HOME=path] <example>               |
|                                                                 |
| where <example> is one or more of:                              |
|                                                                 |
|   ex01 : SV conversion done in UVM transaction                  |
|          SC conversion done in macro-generated converter class  |
|                                                                 |
|   ex02 : SV conversion done in UVM transaction                  |
|          SC conversion done in separate converter class         |
|                                                                 |
|   ex03 : SV conversion done in UVM transaction                  |
|          SC conversion done in transaction                      |
|                                                                 |
|   ex04 : SV conversion done in UVM transaction via field macros |
|          SC conversion done in macro-generated converter class  |
|                                                                 |
|   ex05 : SV conversion done in UVM transaction via field macros |
|          SC conversion done in separate converter class         |
|                                                                 |
|   ex06 : SV conversion done in UVM transaction via field macros |
|          SC conversion done in transaction                      |
|                                                                 |
|   ex07 : SV conversion done in separate converter class;        |
|                  transaction is not based on uvm_object         |
|          SC conversion done in macro-generated converter class  |
|                                                                 |
|   ex08 : SV conversion done in separate converter class;        |
|                  transaction is not based on uvm_object         |
|          SC conversion done in separate converter class         |
|                                                                 |
|   ex09 : SV conversion done in separate converter class;        |
|                  transaction is not based on uvm_object         |
|          SC conversion done in transaction                      |
|                                                                 |
|   ex10 : SV conversion done in UVM transaction                  |
|          SC-side implements converter that converts and adapts  |
|                  to an otherwise incompatible transaction type  |
|                                                                 |
|   ex11 : SV conversion done in UVM transaction via field macros |
|          SC-side implements converter that converts and adapts  |
|                  to an otherwise incompatible transaction type  |
|                                                                 |
|   ex12 : SV-side implements converter in separate class;        |
|                  transaction is not based on uvm_object         |
|          SC-side implements converter that converts and adapts  |
|                  to an otherwise incompatible transaction type  |
|                                                                 |
| UVM_HOME and UVMC_HOME specify the location of the source       |
| headers and macro definitions needed by the examples. You must  |
| specify their locations via UVM_HOME and UVMC_HOME environment  |
| variables or make command line options. Command line options    |
| override any envrionment variable settings.                     |
|                                                                 |
| The UVM and UVMC libraries must be compiled prior to running    |
| any example. If the libraries are not at their default location |
| (UVMC_HOME/lib) then you must specify their location via the    |
| UVM_LIB and/or UVMC_LIB environment variables or make command   |
| line options. Make command line options take precedence.        |
|                                                                 |
| Other options:                                                  |
|                                                                 |
|   all   : Run all examples                                      |
|   clean : Remove simulation files and directories               |
|   help  : Print this help information                           |
|                                                                 |
|                                                                 |

To run just one example

> make ex01

This compiles and runs Example 1, which demonstrates the recommended converter implementation option in both SC and SV.  The UVM source location is defined by the UVM_HOME environment variable, and the UVM and UVMC compiled libraries are searched at their default location, ../../lib/uvmc_lib.

To run all examples

> make all

The clean target deletes all the simulation files produced from previous runs.

> make clean

You can combine targets in one command line

> make clean ex03

The following runs the ‘ex10’ example, providing the path to the UVM source and compiled library on the make command line.

> make UVM_HOME=<path> UVM_LIB=<path> ex10
//   Copyright 2009-2015 Mentor Graphics Corporation          //
//   All Rights Reserved Worldwide                            //
//                                                            //
//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the      //
//   "License"); you may not use this file except in          //
//   compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of   //
//   the License at                                           //
//                                                            //
//           //
//                                                            //
//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in        //
//   writing, software distributed under the License is       //
//   distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR   //
//   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See  //
//   the License for the specific language governing          //
//   permissions and limitations under the License.           //
UVM Connect defines default converters in both SV and SC
This example shows how to implement the conversion routines in UVM-style transaction in the virtual do_pack and do_unpack functions inherited from the uvm_object base class.
The connect and connect_hier functions are used to register any type of TLM port, export, interface, imp, or socket for connection across the language boundary.
This approach defines the conversion algorithm in transaction class itself.
This example demonstrates how to define a custom converter for a transaction class that does not extend from ovm_object.
This example shows a UVM-style transaction that uses the `ovm_field macros to implement the required conversion functionality.
This example demonstrates how to define an external converter class for a given transaction type.
Invoke a convenience macro that defines the converter specialization for you.
Generate both a converter specialization and output stream operator<< for the given transaction TYPE.
Define a separate class for converting your transaction type.
This example demonstrates how to define an external converter for a transaction class using a UVMC_UTILS macro.
The members of your transaction definitions may be any collection of the following types, which have direct support in UVMC.
Generate a converter specialization of uvmc_convert<T> for the given transaction TYPE.
This example’s packet class defines do_pack and do_unpack methods that are compatible with the default converter in SC.
This example demonstrates how to define a custom converter for a transaction class whose members differ in number, type, and size from the corresponding transaction definition in SV.