UVM Command Examples

The examples/commands directory contains several examples of using the UVMC Command API from SystemC to query, configure, and control UVM simulation in SystemVerilog.

See Quickstart 1-2-3 to running examples for setup requirements before running the examples.

Specifically, you will need to have precompiled the UVM and UVMC libraries and set environment variables pointing to them.

Use make help to view the menu of available examples

> make help

You’ll get a menu similar to the following

|                   UVMC EXAMPLES - UVM COMMANDS                  |
|                                                                 |
| Usage:                                                          |
|                                                                 |
|   make [UVM_HOME=path] [UVMC_HOME=path] [TRACE=1] <example>     |
|                                                                 |
| where <example> is one of                                       |
|                                                                 |
|   config    : shows usage of the UVMC set/get config API        |
|                                                                 |
|   reporting : shows how to issue and filter UVM standard        |
|               reports                                           |
|                                                                 |
|   factory   : shows how to set type and instance overrides and  |
|               dump factory state and perform factory debug      |
|                                                                 |
|   topology  : illusrates how (and when) to dump UVM topology    |
|                                                                 |
|   phasing   : show how SC can wait for any UVM phase state      |
|               and raise/drop objections to control their        |
|               progression                                       |
|                                                                 |
| UVM_HOME and UVMC_HOME specify the location of the source       |
| headers and macro definitions needed by the examples. You must  |
| specify their locations via UVM_HOME and UVMC_HOME environment  |
| variables or make command line options. Command line options    |
| override any envrionment variable settings.                     |
|                                                                 |
| The UVM and UVMC libraries must be compiled prior to running    |
| any example. If the libraries are not at their default location |
| (UVMC_HOME/lib) then you must specify their location via the    |
| UVM_LIB and/or UVMC_LIB environment variables or make command   |
| line options. Make command line options take precedence.        |
|                                                                 |
| If TRACE=1 is used, UVM command tracing is enabled (try it!)    |
|                                                                 |
| Other options:                                                  |
|                                                                 |
|   all   : Run all examples                                      |
|   clean : Remove simulation files and directories               |
|   help  : Print this help information                           |
|                                                                 |

To run just the ‘phasing’ example

> make phasing

This runs the ‘phasing’ example with the UVM source location defined by the UVM_HOME environment variable and the UVM and UVMC compiled libraries at their default location, ../../lib/uvmc_lib.

To run all UVM Command examples

prompt> make all

The clean target deletes all the simulation files produced from previous runs.

prompt> make clean

You can combine targets in one command line

prompt> make clean all

The following runs the ‘phasing’ example using the UVM library at the given path, which overrides the UVM_HOME environment variable.

> make UVM_HOME=<path> phasing

Assuming your environment is properly set up, choose an example to run from the menu, say

> make phasing

This compiles and runs the example that demonstrates SC waiting for and controlling phase progression in SV UVM.

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UVM Command Examples
The examples/commands directory contains several examples of using the UVMC Command API from SystemC to query, configure, and control UVM simulation in SystemVerilog.