Interface Masks

Each of the following macros is a mask that identifies which interfaces a particular port requires or export provides.  The interfaces are identified by bit position and can be or’ed together for combination ports/exports.  The mask is used to do run-time interface type checking of port/export connections.

Interface Masks
Each of the following macros is a mask that identifies which interfaces a particular port requires or export provides.
`UVM_TLM_NB_FW_MASKDefine Non blocking Forward mask onehot assignment = ‘b001
`UVM_TLM_NB_BW_MASKDefine Non blocking backward mask onehot assignment = ‘b010
`UVM_TLM_B_MASKDefine blocking mask onehot assignment = ‘b100


Define Non blocking Forward mask onehot assignment = ‘b001


Define Non blocking backward mask onehot assignment = ‘b010


Define blocking mask onehot assignment = ‘b100