
Phasing schedule node representing an independent branch of the schedule.  Handle used to assign domains to components or hierarchies in the testbench

Phasing schedule node representing an independent branch of the schedule.
Class Hierarchy
Class Declaration
class uvm_domain extends uvm_phase
get_domainsProvides a list of all domains in the provided domains argument.
get_uvm_scheduleGet the “UVM” schedule, which consists of the run-time phases that all components execute when participating in the “UVM” domain.
get_common_domainGet the “common” domain, which consists of the common phases that all components execute in sync with each other.
add_uvm_phasesAppends to the given schedule the built-in UVM phases.
get_uvm_domainGet a handle to the singleton uvm domain
newCreate a new instance of a phase domain.
jumpjumps all active phases of this domain to to-phase if there is a path between active-phase and to-phase


static function void get_domains( output  uvm_domain  domains[string] )

Provides a list of all domains in the provided domains argument.


static function uvm_phase get_uvm_schedule()

Get the “UVM” schedule, which consists of the run-time phases that all components execute when participating in the “UVM” domain.


static function uvm_domain get_common_domain()

Get the “common” domain, which consists of the common phases that all components execute in sync with each other.  Phases in the “common” domain are build, connect, end_of_elaboration, start_of_simulation, run, extract, check, report, and final.


static function void add_uvm_phases( uvm_phase  schedule )

Appends to the given schedule the built-in UVM phases.


static function uvm_domain get_uvm_domain()

Get a handle to the singleton uvm domain


function new( string  name )

Create a new instance of a phase domain.


function void jump( uvm_phase  phase )

jumps all active phases of this domain to to-phase if there is a path between active-phase and to-phase

The uvm_void class is the base class for all UVM classes.
virtual class uvm_object extends uvm_void
The uvm_object class is the base class for all UVM data and hierarchical classes.
class uvm_phase extends uvm_object
This base class defines everything about a phase: behavior, state, and context.
class uvm_domain extends uvm_phase
Phasing schedule node representing an independent branch of the schedule.
static function void get_domains( output  uvm_domain  domains[string] )
Provides a list of all domains in the provided domains argument.
static function uvm_phase get_uvm_schedule()
Get the “UVM” schedule, which consists of the run-time phases that all components execute when participating in the “UVM” domain.
static function uvm_domain get_common_domain()
Get the “common” domain, which consists of the common phases that all components execute in sync with each other.
static function void add_uvm_phases( uvm_phase  schedule )
Appends to the given schedule the built-in UVM phases.
static function uvm_domain get_uvm_domain()
Get a handle to the singleton uvm domain
function new( string  name )
Create a new instance of a phase domain.
function void jump( uvm_phase  phase )
jumps all active phases of this domain to to-phase if there is a path between active-phase and to-phase