Globals | |
Simulation Control | |
run_test | Convenience function for ovm_top.run_test(). |
ovm_test_done | An instance of the ovm_test_done_objection class, this object is used by components to coordinate when to end the currently running task-based phase. |
global_stop_request | Convenience function for ovm_top.stop_request(). |
set_global_timeout | Convenience function for ovm_top.phase_timeout = timeout. |
set_global_stop_timeout | Convenience function for ovm_top.stop_timeout = timeout. |
Reporting | |
ovm_report_enabled | Returns 1 if the configured verbosity in <ovm_top> is greater than verbosity and the action associated with the given severity and id is not OVM_NO_ACTION, else returns 0. |
ovm_report_info | |
ovm_report_warning | |
ovm_report_error | |
ovm_report_fatal | These methods, defined in package scope, are convenience functions that delegate to the corresponding component methods in ovm_top. |
Verbosity is ignored for warnings, errors, and fatals to ensure users | do not inadvertently filter them out. |
Configuration | |
set_config_int | This is the global version of set_config_int in ovm_component. |
set_config_object | This is the global version of set_config_object in ovm_component. |
set_config_string | This is the global version of set_config_string in ovm_component. |
Miscellaneous | |
ovm_is_match | Returns 1 if the two strings match, 0 otherwise. |
ovm_string_to_bits | Converts an input string to its bit-vector equivalent. |
ovm_bits_to_string | Converts an input bit-vector to its string equivalent. |
ovm_wait_for_nba_region | Call this task to wait for a delta cycle. |
task run_test ( string test_name = "" )
Convenience function for ovm_top.run_test(). See ovm_root for more information.
ovm_test_done_objection ovm_test_done = ovm_test_done_objection::get()
An instance of the ovm_test_done_objection class, this object is used by components to coordinate when to end the currently running task-based phase. When all participating components have dropped their raised objections, an implicit call to global_stop_request is issued to end the run phase (or any other task-based phase).
function void global_stop_request()
Convenience function for ovm_top.stop_request(). See ovm_root for more information.
function void set_global_timeout( time timeout )
Convenience function for ovm_top.phase_timeout = timeout. See ovm_root for more information.
function void set_global_stop_timeout( time timeout )
Convenience function for ovm_top.stop_timeout = timeout. See ovm_root for more information.
function bit ovm_report_enabled ( int verbosity, ovm_severity severity = OVM_INFO, string id = "" )
Returns 1 if the configured verbosity in <ovm_top> is greater than verbosity and the action associated with the given severity and id is not OVM_NO_ACTION, else returns 0.
See also ovm_report_object::ovm_report_enabled.
Static methods of an extension of ovm_report_object, e.g. ovm_compoent-based objects, can not call ovm_report_enabled because the call will resolve to the ovm_report_object::ovm_report_enabled, which is non-static. Static methods can not call non-static methods of the same class.
function void ovm_report_info( string id, string message, int verbosity = OVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
function void ovm_report_warning( string id, string message, int verbosity = OVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
function void ovm_report_error( string id, string message, int verbosity = OVM_LOW, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
These methods, defined in package scope, are convenience functions that delegate to the corresponding component methods in ovm_top. They can be used in module-based code to use the same reporting mechanism as class-based components. See ovm_report_object for details on the reporting mechanism.
do not inadvertently filter them out. It remains in the methods for backward compatibility.
function void set_config_int ( string inst_name, string field_name, ovm_bitstream_t value )
This is the global version of set_config_int in ovm_component. This function places the configuration setting for an integral field in a global override table, which has highest precedence over any component-level setting. See ovm_component::set_config_int for details on setting configuration.
function void set_config_object ( string inst_name, string field_name, ovm_object value, bit clone = 1 )
This is the global version of set_config_object in ovm_component. This function places the configuration setting for an object field in a global override table, which has highest precedence over any component-level setting. See ovm_component::set_config_object for details on setting configuration.
function void set_config_string ( string inst_name, string field_name, string value )
This is the global version of set_config_string in ovm_component. This function places the configuration setting for an string field in a global override table, which has highest precedence over any component-level setting. See ovm_component::set_config_string for details on setting configuration.
`ifdef OVM_DPI import "DPI" function bit ovm_is_match ( string expr, string str )
Returns 1 if the two strings match, 0 otherwise.
The first string, expr, is a string that may contain ‘*’ and ‘?’ characters. A * matches zero or more characters, and ? matches any single character. The 2nd argument, str, is the string begin matched against. It must not contain any wildcards.
function logic[OVM_LARGE_STRING:0] ovm_string_to_bits( string str )
Converts an input string to its bit-vector equivalent. Max bit-vector length is approximately 14000 characters.
function string ovm_bits_to_string( logic [OVM_LARGE_STRING:0] str )
Converts an input bit-vector to its string equivalent. Max bit-vector length is approximately 14000 characters.
task ovm_wait_for_nba_region
Call this task to wait for a delta cycle. Program blocks don’t have an nba so just delay for a #0 in a program block.
Convenience function for ovm_top.run_test().
task run_test ( string test_name = "" )
An instance of the ovm_test_done_objection class, this object is used by components to coordinate when to end the currently running task-based phase.
ovm_test_done_objection ovm_test_done = ovm_test_done_objection::get()
Built-in end-of-test coordination
class ovm_test_done_objection extends ovm_objection
Convenience function for ovm_top.stop_request().
function void global_stop_request()
Convenience function for ovm_top.phase_timeout = timeout.
function void set_global_timeout( time timeout )
Convenience function for ovm_top.stop_timeout = timeout.
function void set_global_stop_timeout( time timeout )
Returns 1 if the configured verbosity in ovm_top is greater than verbosity and the action associated with the given severity and id is not OVM_NO_ACTION, else returns 0.
function bit ovm_report_enabled ( int verbosity, ovm_severity severity = OVM_INFO, string id = "" )
function void ovm_report_info( string id, string message, int verbosity = OVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
function void ovm_report_warning( string id, string message, int verbosity = OVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
function void ovm_report_error( string id, string message, int verbosity = OVM_LOW, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
This is the global version of set_config_int in ovm_component.
function void set_config_int ( string inst_name, string field_name, ovm_bitstream_t value )
The ovm_component class is the root base class for OVM components.
virtual class ovm_component extends ovm_report_object
This is the global version of set_config_object in ovm_component.
function void set_config_object ( string inst_name, string field_name, ovm_object value, bit clone = 1 )
This is the global version of set_config_string in ovm_component.
function void set_config_string ( string inst_name, string field_name, string value )
Returns 1 if the two strings match, 0 otherwise.
`ifdef OVM_DPI import "DPI" function bit ovm_is_match ( string expr, string str )
Converts an input string to its bit-vector equivalent.
function logic[OVM_LARGE_STRING:0] ovm_string_to_bits( string str )
Converts an input bit-vector to its string equivalent.
function string ovm_bits_to_string( logic [OVM_LARGE_STRING:0] str )
Call this task to wait for a delta cycle.
task ovm_wait_for_nba_region
Returns 1 if the configured verbosity for this object is greater than verbosity and the action associated with the given severity and id is not OVM_NO_ACTION, else returns 0.
function int ovm_report_enabled( int verbosity, ovm_severity severity = OVM_INFO, string id = "" )
The ovm_report_object provides an interface to the OVM reporting facility.
class ovm_report_object extends ovm_object
virtual function void set_config_int ( string inst_name, string field_name, ovm_bitstream_t value )
Calling set_config_* causes configuration settings to be created and placed in a table internal to this component.
virtual function void set_config_object ( string inst_name, string field_name, ovm_object value, bit clone = 1 )
virtual function void set_config_string ( string inst_name, string field_name, string value )