Types and Enumerations

Types and Enumerations
ovm_bitstream_tThe bitstream type is used as a argument type for passing integral values in such methods as set_int_local, get_int_local, get_config_int, report, pack and unpack.
ovm_severityDefines all possible values for report severity.
ovm_actionDefines all possible values for report actions.
ovm_verbosityDefines standard verbosity levels for reports.
Port Type
Default Policy ClassesPolicy classes for ovm_object basic functions, ovm_object::copy, ovm_object::compare, ovm_object::pack, ovm_object::unpack, and ovm_object::record.
ovm_default_table_printerThe table printer is a global object that can be used with ovm_object::do_print to get tabular style printing.
ovm_default_tree_printerThe tree printer is a global object that can be used with ovm_object::do_print to get multi-line tree style printing.
ovm_default_line_printerThe line printer is a global object that can be used with ovm_object::do_print to get single-line style printing.
ovm_default_printerThe default printer is a global object that is used by ovm_object::print or ovm_object::sprint when no specific printer is set.
ovm_default_packerThe default packer policy.
ovm_default_comparerThe default compare policy.
ovm_default_recorderThe default recording policy.


The bitstream type is used as a argument type for passing integral values in such methods as set_int_local, get_int_local, get_config_int, report, pack and unpack.


OVM_BINSelects binary (%b) format
OVM_DECSelects decimal (%d) format
OVM_UNSIGNEDSelects unsigned decimal (%u) format
OVM_OCTSelects octal (%o) format
OVM_HEXSelects hexidecimal (%h) format
OVM_STRINGSelects string (%s) format
OVM_TIMESelects time (%t) format
OVM_ENUMSelects enumeration value (name) format


OVM_DEEPObjects are deep copied (object must implement copy method)
OVM_SHALLOWObjects are shallow copied using default SV copy.
OVM_REFERENCEOnly object handles are copied.


Defines all possible values for report severity.

OVM_INFOInformative messsage.
OVM_WARNINGIndicates a potential problem.
OVM_ERRORIndicates a real problem.  Simulation continues subject to the configured message action.
OVM_FATALIndicates a problem from which simulation can not recover.  Simulation exits via $finish after a #0 delay.


Defines all possible values for report actions.  Each report is configured to execute one or more actions, determined by the bitwise OR of any or all of the following enumeration constants.

OVM_NO_ACTIONNo action is taken
OVM_DISPLAYSends the report to the standard output
OVM_LOGSends the report to the file(s) for this (severity,id) pair
OVM_COUNTCounts the number of reports with the COUNT attribute.  When this value reaches max_quit_count, the simulation terminates
OVM_EXITTerminates the simulation immediately.
OVM_CALL_HOOKCallback the report hook methods


Defines standard verbosity levels for reports.

OVM_NONEReport is always printed.  Verbosity level setting can not disable it.
OVM_LOWReport is issued if configured verbosity is set to OVM_LOW or above.
OVM_MEDIUMReport is issued if configured verbosity is set to OVM_MEDIUM or above.
OVM_HIGHReport is issued if configured verbosity is set to OVM_HIGH or above.
OVM_FULLReport is issued if configured verbosity is set to OVM_FULL or above.


OVM_PORTThe port requires the interface that is its type parameter.
OVM_EXPORTThe port provides the interface that is its type parameter via a connection to some other export or implementation.
OVM_IMPLEMENTATIONThe port provides the interface that is its type parameter, and it is bound to the component that implements the interface.


CREATEDThe sequence has been allocated.
PRE_BODYThe sequence is started and the pre_body task is being executed.
BODYThe sequence is started and the body task is being executed.
POST_BODYThe sequence is started and the post_body task is being executed.
ENDEDThe sequence has ended by the completion of the body task.
STOPPEDThe sequence has been forcibly ended by issuing a kill() on the sequence.
FINISHEDThe sequence is completely finished executing.


ovm_table_printer ovm_default_table_printer = new()

The table printer is a global object that can be used with ovm_object::do_print to get tabular style printing.


ovm_tree_printer ovm_default_tree_printer = new()

The tree printer is a global object that can be used with ovm_object::do_print to get multi-line tree style printing.


ovm_line_printer ovm_default_line_printer = new()

The line printer is a global object that can be used with ovm_object::do_print to get single-line style printing.


ovm_printer ovm_default_printer = ovm_default_table_printer

The default printer is a global object that is used by ovm_object::print or ovm_object::sprint when no specific printer is set.

The default printer may be set to any legal ovm_printer derived type, including the global line, tree, and table printers described above.


ovm_packer ovm_default_packer = new()

The default packer policy.  If a specific packer instance is not supplied in calls to ovm_object::pack and ovm_object::unpack, this instance is selected.


ovm_comparer ovm_default_comparer = new()

The default compare policy.  If a specific comparer instance is not supplied in calls to ovm_object::compare, this instance is selected.


ovm_recorder ovm_default_recorder = new()

The default recording policy.  If a specific recorder instance is not supplied in calls to ovm_object::record.

virtual class ovm_object extends ovm_void
The ovm_object class is the base class for all OVM data and hierarchical classes.
function void copy (ovm_object rhs)
The copy method returns a deep copy of this object.
function bit compare (ovm_object rhs,  
ovm_comparer comparer = null)
The compare method deep compares this data object with the object provided in the rhs (right-hand side) argument.
function int pack (ref bit bitstream[],  
input ovm_packer packer = null)
function int unpack (ref bit bitstream[],  
input ovm_packer packer = null)
function void record (ovm_recorder recorder = null)
The record method deep-records this object’s properties according to an optional recorder policy.
ovm_table_printer ovm_default_table_printer = new()
The table printer is a global object that can be used with ovm_object::do_print to get tabular style printing.
virtual function void do_print (ovm_printer printer)
The do_print method is the user-definable hook called by print and sprint that allows users to customize what gets printed or sprinted beyond the field information provided by the `ovm_field_* macros.
ovm_tree_printer ovm_default_tree_printer = new()
The tree printer is a global object that can be used with ovm_object::do_print to get multi-line tree style printing.
ovm_line_printer ovm_default_line_printer = new()
The line printer is a global object that can be used with ovm_object::do_print to get single-line style printing.
ovm_printer ovm_default_printer = ovm_default_table_printer
The default printer is a global object that is used by ovm_object::print or ovm_object::sprint when no specific printer is set.
function void print (ovm_printer printer = null)
The print method deep-prints this object’s properties in a format and manner governed by the given printer argument; if the printer argument is not provided, the global ovm_default_printer is used.
function string sprint (ovm_printer printer = null)
The sprint method works just like the print method, except the output is returned in a string rather than displayed.
ovm_packer ovm_default_packer = new()
The default packer policy.
ovm_comparer ovm_default_comparer = new()
The default compare policy.
ovm_recorder ovm_default_recorder = new()
The default recording policy.
class ovm_printer
The ovm_printer class provides an interface for printing ovm_objects in various formats.