Which will be influnced by the static bit use_uvm_seeding?

The use_uvm_seeding is a static bit veriable in the uvm_object.svh source code, the default value is 1. The description of it is that it will affects the function reseed(). But I try call the fuction for a subclass of uvm_object where I make the use_uvm_seeding=0. The result of the subclass is different in two sim.

So, I wish to know which will be affected by the use_uvm_seeding=0? Does it really will affect the random function ?

In reply to jasonyu199212:

Can you share a small example?

In reply to dave_59:
there is an example:


I found the value of the cfg_blk is different in two simulatin. While the variables’ value in cfg_blk are all zero. Thus, I think the use_uvm_seeding=0 will make the variables no random anymore, but the cfg_blk may be influenced by the sim env.

In reply to jasonyu199212:

That is a code snippet, not a complete example.