Where should I assign the values of the transaction


i will start by explaining my requirement first . Using a UVM sequence my objective is to read data patterns from a file in hexadecimal format line by line and then feed/constrain the data field of my “trans” with data I read.

Each line can be in different lenght.

The stracture of the lines:
len, cmd, addr, data, data, data, data, ……., \n

For example: “3,write,A0001000,00000000,00012000,A0000000,C0000000,00B00000 \n”

here is the code that i have written. I’m not sure if the assigmnent to the transaction should be here, or should I write a function in the transaction which will do it.

I attached the transaction code and the sequence code:


typedef enum {READ = 0, WRITE = 1} direction_enum;
class axi_transaction extends uvm_sequence_item();
   bit id = 0;  //const
   bit [31:0] addr;
   bit [2:0]  size = 0'b100;//const
   direction_enum rw;
   bit [31:0] transfers [$];
   //factory registration

   function new(string name = "axi_transaction");
   endfunction: new

endclass: axi_transaction


class axi_sequence extends uvm_sequence#(axi_transaction);

     function new (string name = "axi_sequence");
     endfunction: new

   task body();
      int file_p, temp, len, success;
      int count;
      byte mode;
      string str;      
      logic [31:0] data;
      axi_transaction ax_trx;
      file_p = $fopen("commands_file.txt", "r");
      //in case file doesn't exist
      if (!file_p)
	   `uvm_error("ERROR:"," FILE OPENED FAILED");
      //read file
      while (!$feof)
	   temp = $fgets(str, file_p);
	   ax_trx =  axi_transaction::type_id::create(.name("ax_trx"), .contxt(get_full_name()));
	   temp  = $sscanf(str, "%d", len);
	   temp  = $sscanf(str, "%c", mode);
	     "r": ax_trx.rw = READ;
	     "w": ax_trx.rw = WRITE;
	     default: success = 0;
	   endcase //case(mode)	     
	   temp = $sscanf(str,"%h", ax_trx.addr);
      	   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) begin
	      temp = $sscanf(str,"%h", ax_trx.transfers[i]);
   endtask: body

   endclass: axi_sequence

Hi Saritr

We are also following same approach as you mention and have one basic sequence while read Text stimulus and convert it to transaction based stimulus.

I don’t see any issue in this approach.

So now question is which one is better approach

Is it good to model this in sequence Vs sequence_item ?

In reply to RonakShah:

ok…so which one?:)

In reply to saritr:

we use the same approach if the vectors are from our customers. they dont know how to write the sequence.