Wait statement inside a driver

I am trying to understand the wait statement better. I use the wait statement inside my driver before driving my transaction data as shown below -

task drive_trans (seq_item trans);
  @(vif.driver_cb) // clocking block sampled at posedge of clk
  wait (vif.driver_cb.trigger == 1); // If trigger is not high, wait for it to go high

  vif.driver_cb.data <= trans.data; // push the data from the sequence onto the interface


My intention here is to push the transaction onto the interface only if ‘trigger’ is high. This code seems to work. I do see that whenever the ‘trigger’ is low the driver holds onto the previous transaction before pushing in the new transaction.

I would like to know if the wait statement introduces any simulation-time delay? My understanding is that the wait statement is a blocking statement that looks for the condition to be True during the current clock cycle. But I do see my simulation progress. Is this due to simulation time progressing in other parallel threads?

Update - Actually in my code the wait statement did not work. I had to use the while statement to drive as intended.

while (vif.driver_cb.trigger == 0) begin

In reply to tpan:

You should use

@(vif.driver_cb iff vif.driver_cb.trigger == 0)

When using clocking blocks, you should not mix blocking statements with anything other than @(cb).

In reply to dave_59:

Shouldn’t my logic be the below instead since I need to wait for trigger to be set before driving my transaction

@(vif.driver_cb iff vif.driver_cb.trigger == 1)

vif.driver_cb.data <= trans.data;

For my understanding, what exactly does “@(vif.driver_cb iff vif.driver_cb.trigger == 1” translate to? Am I right when I say “Keep executing @(vif.driver_cb) until vif.driver_cb.trigger equals 1”?

Does this also mean that in the case of trigger being equal to 1 when the code is hit, the execution skips the blocking statement @(vif.driver_cb)?

In reply to tpan:
Sorry, that was a typo.

@(vif.driver_cb iff vif.driver_cb.trigger == 1)

translates to

do @(vif.driver_cb); while ( !(vif.driver_cb.trigger == 1))
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