
This is the exact error message in my log file:-

UVM_ERROR /path to the file/mon.sv(80) @ 22303.429 ns: uvm_test_top.some_system.some_layer.some_mon [some_mon] Monitor - mismatch

I wish to downgrade this to a UVM_WARNING, so I used the following:-

sim command +uvm_set_severity=uvm_test_top.some_system.some_layer.some_mon*,mismatch,UVM_ERROR,UVM_WARNING

This did not work.
What is the way to make this work?

Also, if I don’t wish to type +uvm_set_severity on the command line every time, will it work if I move it to some uvm phase like build_phase, start_of_simulation_phase, etc.?

Thank You for your help!

In reply to new_to_uvm:

This is the answer.

sim command +uvm_set_severity=uvm_test_top.some_system.some_layer.some_mon,som_mon,UVM_ERROR,UVM_WARNING