
what will be the right `uvm_field_* for an array like :
bit [31:0] vec [92:0];

In reply to Nidhisharma8486:

You should never use the field macros.
The example you are showing is not an associative array.

In reply to chr_sue:

Yes, realized that, what is the alternative to `uvm_field_

In reply to Nidhisharma8486:

The main functionality using field macros is to the functions do_copy, do_print, do_compare etc automtically implemented.
You should write your own code for these support functions.
By using a UVM Framework generator you can automate the implementaion.

In reply to Nidhisharma8486:

This DVCon paper suggests some alternatives. http://verificationhorizons.verificationacademy.com/volume-7_issue-2/articles/stream/are-ovm-and-uvm-macros-evil-a-cost-benefit-analysis_vh-v7-i2.pdf