UVM/Guidelines 5.2 Avoid the usage of main_phase from cookbook


In UVM/Guidelines, Phasing(page 575) mentioned: “reset_phase(), configure_phase(), main_phase(), shutdown_phase() removed in a future version”.

Do anyone has some idea about this? That`s confuse me. Do there have any paper or document can confirm it will be removed in next version? Thank you so much

Below is UVM/Guidelines 5.2
5.2 Guideline: Avoid the usage of reset_phase(), configure_phase(), main_phase(), shutdown_phase() and the
pre_/post_ versions of those phases.
The reset_phase(), configure_phase(), main_phase() or shutdown_phase() phases will be removed in a future version of
UVM. Instead to provide sync points (which is what the new phases essentially add), use normal fork/join statements to
run sequences in parallel or just start sequences one after another to have sequences run in series. This works because
sequences are blocking. For more advanced synchronization needs, uvm_barriers, uvm_events, etc. can be used.


In reply to jiaan:

At the time this guideline was written, uvm_phases had many problems, but some of them have been fixed. However, we still recommend using just the run_phase. See

