Uvm constraint issue obj.rand variables from top level

class user_class extends uvm_sequence_item;
  rand int thread_id;
  rand int Var1;
endclass : user_class

class AA extends uvm_sequence_item;
  rand int core_id;
  rand user_class u_obj;
  constraint c_set_core_thread_ids {u_obj.thread_id == core_id;}
endclass : AA

all my sequence/drivers are using class AA as the default sequence item.
in my sequence I have this:

int pid=1;
`uvm_do_with(req, {core_id==pid;});

First error I ran into was null obj deference:

Error-[NOA] Null object access
test_seq.sv, 147
The object at dereference depth 2 is being used before it was
Please make sure that the object is allocated before using it.

I fixed this after adding new() call for u_obj in class AA:

class AA extends uvm_sequence_item;
  rand int core_id;
  rand user_class u_obj = new();
  constraint c_set_core_thread_ids {u_obj.thread_id == core_id;}
endclass : AA

Now after this i am running into constraint solver failure on thread_id rand variable.


Solver failed when solving following set of constraints

integer user_obj.thread_id = 0;
integer pid = 1;
rand integer core_id; // rand_mode = ON

constraint c_set_core_thread_ids // (from this) (constraint_mode = ON) (class_AA.sv:63)
(user_obj.thread_id == core_id);
constraint WITH_CONSTRAINT // (from this) (constraint_mode = ON) (test_seq.sv:146)
(core_id == pid);


It looks like simulator is considering user_class thread_id as a non-rand variable. At least i am not able to hierarchically set constraints on thread_id rand variable from top level sequence.

Any help in getting around this is appreciated.

In reply to sifiveuser007:

Your constraints look fine to me. I would try a standalone example of what you’re trying to do without UVM so you can verify you have the concepts correctly.