UVM Automation macro for Packed Struct

Hello All,
I have the following code.

class ABC extends uvm_object {

 typedef packed strcut {
     logic [63:0] data;
    } A;

  typedef packed struct {
    A  [1:0] a1;
    A  [1:0] a2;
  } B;

  B b;

and can someone suggest me the uvm field automation macro for packed struct b,a1 and a2.


The field automation macros do not support structs, packed or unpacked. You can register a packed struct as a simple integral vector as a whole, but it will not recognize the individual fields.

This issue, along with several other feature deficiencies, as well as the severe performance penalty imposed by using the field automation macros are why we recommend against using them and instead explicitly implement the methods manually. See this link or this one.

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave for the Reply. I’ll change the code…

In reply to dave_59:

Are structs still not supported in UVM automation macros?

In reply to Santosh Sugumar:

No, still not supported.

In reply to Santosh Sugumar:

In reply to dave_59:
Are structs still not supported in UVM automation macros?

Thanks for confirming. We use convert2string() to avoid using the field automation macros.