Using uvm_config_db get in a module for a variable which is being set in a uvm_test

below is my code for reference. basially i am setting a variable from my test build phase and trying to get it inside my top module. i have tried multiple syntax but not able to get it. is there a limitation to get a variable inside a top level module ?

class my_test extends uvm_test
my_regmodel regmodel;

//skipping loads of code here just showing build phase
function void smmu_base_test::build_phase(uvm_phase phase);

regmodel = my_regmodel::type_id::create(“regmodel”);;
uvm_config_db #(my_regmodel) :: set (this, “*”, “regmodel”, regmodel);

module top();

my_regmodel regmodel;
initial begin
#10ns;//dealy to make sure its set before get
if (!uvm_config_db #(my_regmodel)::get(uvm_root::get(),“uvm_test_top”,“regmodel”, regmodel))
uvm_fatal ("top", "pawan Did not get a register model from test smmu top") else uvm_info(“top” ,“successfully got regmodel smmu top”,UVM_LOW);

initial begin


In reply to pawan:

With run_test you are starting the creation of your dynamic part of your tesbench.
Using a simple delay does not solve your problem. Use instead a uvm_event, triggered after the connect_phase in your dynamic testbenc part. In the toplevel module you can start your get to the config_db after seeing this event.

In reply to chr_sue:

In reply to pawan:
With run_test you are starting the creation of your dynamic part of your tesbench.
Using a simple delay does not solve your problem. Use instead a uvm_event, triggered after the connect_phase in your dynamic testbenc part. In the toplevel module you can start your get to the config_db after seeing this event.

but the syntax of uvm_config_db get is ok ?

In reply to chr_sue:

In reply to pawan:
With run_test you are starting the creation of your dynamic part of your tesbench.
Using a simple delay does not solve your problem. Use instead a uvm_event, triggered after the connect_phase in your dynamic testbenc part. In the toplevel module you can start your get to the config_db after seeing this event.

i have tried using events and it still fails with same error saying regmodel not found. now i wait for event rather than delay and trigger event when build phase is complete.