Unable to set/get an interface which has a struct as a parameter

I see elab error when I try to uvm_config_db set/get on a parameterized interface type with one of its interfaces as struct type.

**GENERIC INTERFACE - Interface definition

interface peip_generic_if
  import peip_pkg::*;
  import peip_generic_components_pkg::*;
 #( parameter ADDR_WIDTH=64, parameter DATA_WIDTH=64, parameter TAG_WIDTH=64, parameter interface_type = `peip_VLD_RDY_TYPE, parameter type command_struct = DEFAULT_STRUCT_TYPE, parameter type command_struct_2 = DEFAULT_STRUCT_TYPE, string name ="") ( input clk, input rst_n );

**DEFINE FILE - Created an interface by passing parameters to the generic interface.

`define pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_if_decl \
    peip_generic_if#(.DATA_WIDTH(64), .interface_type(`peip_VLD_RDY_TYPE), .command_struct(peip_rdma_pkg::rlc_wtx_sched_cmd_t))
`define pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_if \
    virtual interface `pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_if_decl    

**TEST MODULE - Created a handle and tried to do uvm_config set/get

module pe_wtx_tb_top_ti( pe_wtx_tb_sync_pin_if  pe_wtx_pins );

   `pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_if_decl    pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_get (.clk(pe_wtx_pins.clk), .rst_n(pe_wtx_pins.i_rst_n));  

    Initial begin

       uvm_config_db#(virtual `pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_if_decl)::set(uvm_root::get(), "*", "vif_get", pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_pins);    

       if (!uvm_config_db#(virtual `pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_if_decl)::get(null,"", "vif_get", pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_get)) begin
          $display("UVM_ERROR virtual interface must be set for vif_get pe_wtx_tb_top_ti");

Elab error reported.
Error :
Error-[ICTTFC] Incompatible complex type usage
<>/pe_wtx_ulv_tb_top_ti.sv, 72
Incompatible complex type usage in task or function call.
The following expression is incompatible with the formal parameter of the
function. The type of the actual is ‘interface
$unit::DEFAULT_STRUCT_TYPE,“\000”)’, while the type of the formal is
‘virtual interface
$unit::DEFAULT_STRUCT_TYPE,“\000”)’. Expression:
Source info:

**The error is still reported even if I declare the interface with the default struct type
**define pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_if_decl \ peip_generic_if#(.DATA_WIDTH(64), .interface_type(peip_VLD_RDY_TYPE), .command_struct(DEFAULT_STRUCT_TYPE))[/b]

No error, if I do not pass anything :
define pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_if_decl \ peip_generic_if#(.DATA_WIDTH(64), .interface_type(peip_VLD_RDY_TYPE))

Unable to figure out what I am missing here.

In reply to intcr:

Hard to follow your code as there is a lot of missing information. Which is line 72?

What is pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_pins?

Why is there a $unit::DEFAULT_STRUCT_TYPE in the error message. Nothing should be declared in $unit

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to intcr:
Hard to follow your code as there is a lot of missing information. Which is line 72?
What is pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_pins?
Its an interface instance. (Sorry forgot to mention that in the original post)
`pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_if_decl pe_wtx_rlc_vld_rdy_req_pins (.clk(pe_wtx_ulv_pins.clk), .rst_n(pe_wtx_ulv_pins.i_rst_n));
Why is there a $unit::DEFAULT_STRUCT_TYPE in the error message. Nothing should be declared in $unit
Not sure why its read that way.
DEFAULT_STRUCT_TYPE definition is :
typedef struct packed{
logic default_logic_type;