Unable to disable a register from REG_BIT_BASH testing


Below is my Sequence :

class my_base_reg_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence;


  // Register the default p_seqeuncer

  ral_block_MY_IP             regmodel;
  uvm_status_e                status;
  uvm_reg_data_t              read_value;
  uvm_reg                     regs[$];

  function new(string name ="my_base_reg_seq");
  task pre_body();
    if(starting_phase !=null)
    assert(uvm_config_db#(ral_block_D_IP_SAFETY_BY_SW_SYN)::get(p_sequencer,"*","regmodel",regmodel)); // I am setting it from my env
  task post_body();
      if(starting_phase != null)
endclass : my_base_reg_seq

// SEQUENCE: my_reg_rw_seq                                                     //
// Description: Running UVM bit bash sequence for every register                //

class my_reg_rw_seq extends my_base_reg_seq;

  uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq reg_check_seq;

  function new(string name="my_reg_rw_seq");

  virtual task body();
    reg_check_seq = uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq::type_id::create("reg_check_seq", null);
    reg_check_seq.model= regmodel;
    // Trying to exclude the below register
    uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.TEMP_FAULT.get_full_name(),".*"},"NO_REG_BIT_BASH_TEST", 1, this);


Below is my regmodel :

class ral_reg__TEMP_FAULT extends uvm_reg;
  uvm_reg_field FLAG1;
  uvm_reg_field FLAG2;
  rand uvm_reg_field TM_FAULT;
  uvm_reg_field RSVD;

  function new(string name = "__TEMP_FAULT");
    super.new(name, 32,build_coverage(UVM_NO_COVERAGE));
  endfunction: new
  virtual function void build();
    this.FLAG1 = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create("FLAG1",,get_full_name());
    this.FLAG1.configure(this, 1, 0, "RO", 0, 1'b0, 1, 0, 0);
    this.FLAG2 = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create("FLAG2",,get_full_name());
    this.FLAG2.configure(this, 1, 1, "RO", 0, 1'b0, 1, 0, 0);
    this.TM_FAULT = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create("TM_FAULT",,get_full_name());
    this.TM_FAULT.configure(this, 3, 2, "W1C", 0, 3'b000, 1, 0, 0);
    this.RSVD = uvm_reg_field::type_id::create("RSVD",,get_full_name());
    this.RSVD.configure(this, 27, 5, "RO", 0, 27'b000000000000000000000000000, 1, 0, 0);
  endfunction: build


endclass : ral_reg__TEMP_FAULT

class ral_block_MY_IP extends uvm_reg_block;
  rand ral_reg__TEMP_FAULT TEMP_FAULT; // Declared in reg block
  // Other parts including the build phase() are there.
endclass : ral_block_MY_IP

Now, When I run the test : I get below Error :

@@reg_check_seq.reg_single_bit_bash_seq [uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq] Writing a 1 in bit #0 of register “regmodel.TEMP_FAULT” with initial value 'h0000000000000000 yielded 'h0000000000000008 instead of 'h0000000000000000

I wanted to exclude this register from the bit bash testing, but why it is not getting excluded??

Can anyone please help me with it…???

In reply to birenkumar:

Did you check REG:: is also your Namespace?

In reply to birenkumar:

p.203 of the Cookbook (Coding Guidelines) discusses why it’s not a good idea to use pre/post body. It also mentions that you should call super.body() if you want to execute the base sequence body. Read the link below and think about your code.

Coding Guidelines

In reply to dhserfer:

In my eyes this is a question of taste and not the reason for the Problem reported… And the Code isworking. If this would be not the case the test will immdiately stop at time 0.

In reply to chr_sue:

Since not all code has been posted it’s difficult to comment. It is always helpful to just put debug statements in the code. Anyways, I think if you remove the “.*” from your uvm_resource_db set() method it will not bit bash the register:

uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.TEMP_FAULT.get_full_name()},"NO_REG_BIT_BASH_TEST", 1, this);

In reply to chr_sue:

Yes, “REG::” is the Namespace. I checked inside the library.

In reply to birenkumar:

remove the .* from the path string

I am trying to add registers again after excluding it. how can i add registers??