TLM Port vs Anlaysis Port

When We will use TLM Port ?
When We will use TLM analysis Port?
what is the reason why we are connecting sequencer to driver only with TLM Ports and Monitor to Scoreboard with analysis Ports?

My query is
driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); // driver to sequencer mapping one to one connection only .
can i use same thing connection for Montior to Scoreboard and Similar wise verse

In reply to prasanth badisa:

ports an exprts as well as analysis exports are TLM constructs.
The connection between drver and sequencer is a blocking one-to-one connection.
On the analysis side (date coming from the monitor) you cannot use a blocking connection and you might connect more than 1 component to a port. Then you have to use an analysis port (as we are doing in the monitor).