Tlm port to many export

TLM is only used for one to one connection but analysis used for one to many by using write method.
1.Why tlm is one to one connection?
2.My doubt is Can able connect tlm one port to many export or imp. comp a having put_port.put(trans) to two comp B putb_imp and c putc_imp;
In agent connect as compA.put_port.connect(compB.putB_imp);
By connection like this is a correct way tlm one port to many imp port ?

TLM is general name it has many type of ports. There are many TLM ports avaialable - put port, get port, export and analysis port.

  1. Thats simple answer - to connect one class object to another class object.
    As classes does not have interface similar to module blocks to connect each other, hence we need to have some method to connect one class with another.
    So we use ports.
  2. I do not understand this question

Just know put port → get port
put port → export → get port.

To my opinion, the UVM ports are messy.
I think it is the weak and unhappy parts in UVM…