Is there any method to overrided a virtual interface type apart from class extend?

Hi, I had a issue with interface type override. Let me explain what I’m trying. I had a parameterized base class which contain a virtual interface declaration. I extended one more parameterized class from base and used the factory override to override the agent class. In the run time, the issue I am seeing that, the data type of the virtual interface is not chanTed. However I can see the override object is created. When the agent is trying to get from resource db, I am seeing data type of virtual interface as like in base but not like as in override type. Is there any solution how to fetch a virtual interface with the override type. The override type is used to pass different parameters and factory override is used to overriding. I know once solution is instantiate a object for override agent and no need of factory override. Here already a infrastructure is build I would no like to disturb this.

In reply to kishore123:

It’s hard to follow what you’re asking for without any code fragments. If the base clash of what you’re trying to override is parameterized, you can’t change those parameters with an another override. However, you can override an unparameterized bass class with one that is, and have different overrides with different parameter sets.