Set/get of queue from test to scoreboard

I need to set the queue value from test and get in scoreboard.

The queue value is the expected data which is bit [63:0] exp_data[$]

Note: This Queue is outside of class test in separate file and included before test

The code in ext_test:

function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
   if (!uvm_config_db #(env)::get(this, "","envh", env))
     `uvm_fatal("TB CONFIG", "Cannot get() in test")

   foreach (Exp_data[i]) begin
     uvm_config_db#(bit [63:0])::set(uvm_root::get(),"envh.sbh",$sformatf("Exp_data[%0d]",i),Exp_data[i]);

The code in scoreboard:
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);

   for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) begin
     if (!uvm_config_db#(bit [63:0])::get(this," ",$sformatf("Exp_data[%0d]",i),exp_data[i])) begin
     `uvm_fatal(m_name, " Exp_data not found")

I am not getting the queue value from database.
FATAL Error: Exp_data not found

Please correct me what I am doing wrong and suggest me with recommended way of doing this logic.

In reply to YasRuf:

The first argument to
is normally this when called from a
. It should not be
unless you change the second argument to

Also, the uvm_config_db uses simple string matching, so watch for extraneous spaces. " " should be “”.