Sequences/Layering with multiple agents

On my DUT I have two UART agents for TX and RX. On the UART a higher level protocol is running. Over TX a command, consisting on several bytes is running. On RX there will be the response. For this protocol I would like to implement a own sequencer. In comparison to the example in the cookbook, the sequencer has to wait for an answer from the UART RX monitor before the next sequence can be send to the UART TX.

Is this possible? Where I can connect the UART RX ap in the new layering class? Can I connect it to the sequence class?



It is better to create one agent,in that driver should have a logic for driving TX signals and wait for response on RX signals, and send the sampled response to sequence by using seq_item_port.put(rsp);

based on response received in sequence you can send the next packet.