Sequence Overriding

If I have a Local variable in a sequence (for example local rand bit [63:0] adress),
Now I want to override this sequence with a new sequence, but my intention is to modify this local variable “address” using the new sequence. How do I achieve this ??

In reply to Azhar Khan:
I guess address is a data member of your sequence class. Right?
You can override this sequence only with an Extended class of this sequence. This means you have still the data member address available. The question is now are you randomiting your sequence object? If you do this it will alway generate another value for address.

In reply to chr_sue:

Thanks for your reply.
Yes I agree we have to use extended class of this sequence, But my point is since address is a “local” type variable I may not be able to access it through the derived class. right ?? In that case how to proceed?

In reply to Azhar Khan:

Did you try to define a data member with the same Name in the derived class, maybe as protected?
You are right local data members are only accessible within the class itself.