Scoreboard convolution

Hello, I should implement a convolution operation in my scoreboard in order to verify a FIR filter. The Scoreboard is connected to an input monitor and a result monitor and it receives a 16 bit rand data every clock cycle. How can I implement the convolution? The problem is that the convolution is time dependent and I don’t manage to compare the output every clock cycle with the FIR output in result monitor. The code is the following:

class scoreboard extends uvm_subscriber #(result_transaction);

uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo #(sequence_item) data_f;

  function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);
   endfunction : new

   function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
      data_f = new ("data_f", this);
   endfunction : build_phase
 logic[15:0] h [0:62] = {...}
   function result_transaction predict_result(sequence_item data);
   result_transaction predicted;
   predicted = new("predicted");

   return predicted;
   endfunction : predict_result

   function void write(result_transaction t);
      string data_str;
      sequence_item data;
      result_transaction predicted;

        if (!data_f.try_get(data))
          $fatal(1, "Missing command in self checker");

      predicted = predict_result(data);
      data_str = {                    data.convert2string(), 
                  " ==>  Actual "  ,    t.convert2string(), 
                  "/Predicted ",predicted.convert2string()};

      if (!
        `uvm_error("SELF CHECKER", {"FAIL: ",data_str})
        `uvm_info ("SELF CHECKER", {"PASS: ", data_str}, UVM_HIGH)

   endfunction : write
endclass : scoreboard

logic[15:0] h [0:62] are the filter coefficients (16 bit) and I should implement a function predict_result in order to compare the filter response…