Result reached the maximum of 5000 lines. Killing process. Execution interrupted or reached maximum runtime


I am trying a simple UVM TB in EDA playground. Here is the link :

I get the error :

UVM_INFO @ 47350.0ns: uvm_test_top.env.o_agt[15].mon [Got_Output_Packet]

Name Type Size Value
Result reached the maximum of 5000 lines. Killing process.
Execution interrupted or reached maximum runtime.

I have not added any simulation time-out limit. I am not able to spot an infinite loop code. Could you help find out if there is one? If not, what else could cause this error?


In reply to sharadha:

Looks like you are facing a tool issue.
But I found 2 errors in the file
line 117 should be

`uvm_do_with(req, {if (port_id == -1) sa inside {[0:15]}; else sa == port_id; da inside {valid_da};})

A macro call has never a semicolon at the end.
The inside operator requires a range indicated by {}.
It runs fime with Questa after fixing these issues.

In reply to chr_sue:

Thanks chr_sue. I fixed the syntax error. I also changed the verbosity level for some printouts to keep the output lines to <5000. It fixed the issue.