Register parameterized callback class using `uvm_register_cb macro

Hi All,

→ I have created parameterized callback class(ijtag_driver_callback#(int IJTAG_WIDTH = 396)) which is extended from the uvm_callback.
In my driver class, I have registered callback class with `uvm_register_cb macro as below.

class ijtag_driver_callback#(int IJTAG_WIDTH = 396) extends uvm_callback;


endclass : ijtag_driver_callback

class ijtag_receiver_driver#(int IJTAG_WIDTH = 396) extends uvm_driver #(ijtag_receiver_trans#(IJTAG_WIDTH));

uvm_component_param_utils(ijtag_receiver_driver#(IJTAG_WIDTH)) **uvm_register_cb(ijtag_receiver_driver#(IJTAG_WIDTH),ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH))**

endclass : ijtag_receiver_driver

Getting compilation error: Here, ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH) is appended to “m_register_cb_``CB” and define name as,
static local bit m_register_cb_ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH)
Below is the error description,
#0, uvm_register_cb(T=ijtag_receiver_driver#(IJTAG_WIDTH), CB=ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH)) : “/tools/vcs/2016.06-SP2/etc/uvm-1.1/macros/uvm_callback_defines.svh”:60
full expansion of macro (uvm_register_cb), error at line 1
=>static local bit m_register_cb_ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH) = uvm_callbacks#(ijtag_receiver_driver#(IJTAG_WIDTH),ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH))::m_register_pair(“ijtag_receiver_driver#(IJTAG_WIDTH)”,“ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH)”);

→ When I have made following modification in my code, calling the m_register_pair function directly without using uvm_register_cb macro. It is working as expected. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ijtag_driver_callback#(int IJTAG_WIDTH = 396) extends uvm_callback; ... ... uvm_object_param_utils(ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH))

endclass : ijtag_driver_callback

class ijtag_receiver_driver#(int IJTAG_WIDTH = 396) extends uvm_driver #(ijtag_receiver_trans#(IJTAG_WIDTH));


static local bit m_register_cb_ijtag_driver_callback = uvm_callbacks#(ijtag_receiver_driver#(IJTAG_WIDTH),ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH))::m_register_pair("ijtag_receiver_driver#(IJTAG_WIDTH)“,"ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH)”);

endclass : ijtag_receiver_driver

I wanted to know that, do we have any other way to register parameterized callback class. Or if it is the only way to register with `uvm_register_cb then I think so it is creating the problem with parameterized callback class.

Please provide your thought on this.


In reply to shrujal.shah:

You need to look at the code created by the macro and try modifying it to suit your needs.

For an idea, see

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to shrujal.shah:
You need to look at the code created by the macro and try modifying it to suit your needs.
For an idea, see

Hi Dave,

Thank you for your quick response on this.

I have already used your suggestion in my current example as shown above and it is working fine but as it is kind of internal to UVM.

As a user-friendly way, don’t you think that there should be a separate macro for parameterized callback similar to object/component?


As per current implementation of uvm_register_cb macro, it should take only callback class name with parameter value(ijtag_driver_callbackIJTAG_WIDTH) to define “m_register_cb_``CB” field. Instead of taking the full name with the special character like “#” (m_register_cb_ijtag_driver_callback#(IJTAG_WIDTH)). So it won’t give the compilation error.

define uvm_register_cb(T,CB) \ static local bit m_register_cb_``CB = uvm_callbacks#(T,CB)::m_register_pair("T",“CB`”);


In reply to shrujal.shah:

The problem with a string-based registration is there needs to unique string for every unique specialization of your parameterized callback class. The UVM factory registration uses both type and string based registration. The `uvm_*_param_utils macros only registers the type for parameterized classes because there is no generic way to create a unique string using a macro. If you only plan to use one specialization of a parameterized class and use the default values, then the macro works registering a single string name, but that defeats the purpose of a parameterized class.

The link I gave you shows one way of creating unique string names for parameterized classes. Since your class has only one integer parameter, you could do the following:

define jtag_register_cb(T,CB) \ parameter string CBname`` = $sformatf(“CB%0d", IJTAG_WIDTH); \ static local bit m_register_cb_CB = uvm_callbacks#(T,CB)::m_register_pair("T”,CBname);

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to shrujal.shah:
The problem with a string-based registration is there needs to unique string for every unique specialization of your parameterized callback class. The UVM factory registration uses both type and string based registration. The uvm_*_param_utils macros only registers the type for parameterized classes because there is no generic way to create a unique string using a macro. If you only plan to use one specialization of a parameterized class and use the default values, then the macro works registering a single string name, but that defeats the purpose of a parameterized class. The link I gave you shows one way of creating unique string names for parameterized classes. Since your class has only one integer parameter, you could do the following: define jtag_register_cb(T,CB)
parameter string CBname = $sformatf(`"CB%0d", IJTAG_WIDTH);
static local bit m_register_cb_``CB = uvm_callbacks#(T,CB)::m_register_pair("T",CBname);

Hi Dave,

I have created a macro as you have suggested and it is working fine.
Still, I feel that UVM should have a macro with this functionality that you have suggested.
Thank you for your support on this.


In reply to shrujal.shah:

Macros do not work well with parameterization. You had one parameter with a fixed type. Just like the field macros, the number of macros would explode for multiple parameters and types.