Reason behind generating clock in top module

Why should we generate clock in top module alone and not anywhere else like interface or some other blocks? What happens if I declare clock in some other block apart from top module.

module top;
  //clock and reset signal declaration
  bit clk;
  bit reset;
  //clock generation
  always #5 clk = ~clk;
  //reset Generation
  initial begin
    reset = 1;
    #5 reset =0;
  //creatinng instance of interface, inorder to connect DUT and testcase
  mem_if intf(clk,reset);
  //DUT instance, interface signals are connected to the DUT ports
  memory DUT (
  initial begin

In reply to jwl1806:

I have not heard of such a rule. how to generate clock from the driver | Verification Academy

In reply to dave_59:

Ok.I want to rephrase the question now. Why should we generate a global clock signal in a static entity like module or interface? Why cant we generate clock in a class?