RAL Confusion

I have a scenario where designer has updated the default value of uvm_reg_field ( field1 ) of a particular register .

[ Previously the default value of the register was 0 which has been now updated to 1 ]

So for now we pass a run-time switch to bypass this instead of generating new RAL files .

(1) For bit_bash_seq ::

 Before I start the bit_bash_seq ( in main_phase ) I use "set_reset" method for the field ( in configure_phase ) 

     // In configure_phase() 

      rm_h.REG_BLOCK.REG.field1.set_reset( 32'h1 ) ;
But  when  I  start  the  bit_bash seq I get a mismatch error for the field1 since it still expects a default value of 0 .
( In function build() , where the configure method() is called for field1 the reset value was specified as 0 ) 

I expected the reset value be updated .
But I Observe mismatch from bit_bash_seq for field1

(2) For hw_rst_seq ::

Before I start the hw_rst_seq ( in main_phase ) I use “predict” N “read” methods for field1 .

     // In  main_phase() 

      rm_h.REG_BLOCK.REG.field1.predict( 32'h1 ) ;
      rm_h.REG_BLOCK.REG.field1.read( status , read_data ) ; // Actual RTL register field1 gives value 1 , so no mismatch error !!

Even though the configure arg. is 0 the predict updates the mirrored value so I don’t see any mismatch error on read .

However when I start hw_rst_seq after ( predict N read ) I get a mismatch error where it expects a value to be read back as 0
( Same as arg. to field1 configure method ) .

Since I do predict() N read() before I start hw_rst_seq , why is that I still see a mismatch error ?


before start of in-built reg seq. it will reset model hence you will lose whatever value set in the configure phase. Please check commenting model.reset in the base lib. (if you can)

   virtual task body();
      if (model == null) begin
         `uvm_error("uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq", "No register model specified to run sequence on");

      uvm_report_info("STARTING_SEQ",{"\n\nStarting ",get_name()," sequence...\n"},UVM_LOW);

      reg_seq = uvm_reg_single_bit_bash_seq::type_id::create("reg_single_bit_bash_seq");

