Quick question on clocking block in UVM driver


Easy question regarding the clock blocking syntax (inside an UVM driver in this case, although this is extrapolable to many other places). Basically I want to know what is the reason for using the semicolon “;” symbol after the “@ ( posedge )” clock event?

task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);

    // Wiggle pins of DUT
    @(posedge dut_vi.clock);  // <---- HERE : Note the ';'
    dut_vi.cmd  <= req.cmd;
    dut_vi.addr <= req.addr;
    dut_vi.data <= req.data;

I have the suspicion that finishing the clock event with a semicolon might move the simulator into a different event time region. i.e. just after the clock has rised. Is this correct? What is the reasoning behind this?


In reply to kiteloop:

The BNF syntax for any procedural statement is essentially

statement_item := 
        {procedural_timing_control} statement;

This means you can have 0 or more timing controls in front of any statement. In your example
@(posedge dut_vi.clock)
is a timing control followed by the null_statement.

Since this code is within a begin/end block, all these statements execute sequentially, so there is there is no functional difference using the semicolon or not. There would be a difference within a fork/join

Some people do prefer to add the semicolon simply because of the way some editors indent code. Without the semicolon, the next line becomes a continuation of a statement and gets indented.

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave for the clarification

Would you mind developing on the specific case with the fork? Would a ‘;’ (or lack of) make a difference in two forked procedural timing controled statements?

In reply to kiteloop:

Each statement becomes a concurrent process in a fork/join. So adding ‘;’ will change the semantics.

In reply to dave_59:

Sorry I did not see what you meant. But, yes, for sure. Two statements without the ‘;’ would look like one to the fork, so nothing to fork actually.


what is BNF?

In reply to puvvada kamakshi supraja:

Backus-Naur Form. BNF is the syntax for describing syntax. It’s explained Annex A if the 1800-2017 LEM, as well as any internet search.