Passing dynamic array of enumerated types from a function to a class

I need to pass the contents of a dynamic array of enumerated types from a function in one class to another class. This is what I have on the class that defines the function:

typedef enum int {HOST2DEV,DEV2HOST,DEV2DEV,HOST2DEVS} all_transactions_t;
typedef all_transactions_t dev_tx_transactions_t[];

all_transactions_t all_transactions[];

rand bit [3:0] HOST2DEV_dev_addr[];
rand bit [3:0] HOST2DEVS_dev_addr[];

// Constraints for all_transactions, HOST2DEV_dev_addr, and HOST2DEVS_dev_addr done here, but not shown

function dev_tx_transactions_t dev_tx_transactions(bit[3:0] dev_addr);
  int index = 0;
  foreach (all_transactions[i]) begin
    case (all_transactions[i])
      HOST2DEV : begin
        if (HOST2DEV_dev_addr[i] == dev_addr)begin
          dev_tx_transactions = new[dev_tx_transactions.size() + 1] (dev_tx_transactions);
          dev_tx_transactions[index] = all_transactions[i];
      HOST2DEVS : begin
        if (HOST2DEVS_dev_addr[i] == dev_addr)begin
          dev_tx_transactions = new[dev_tx_transactions.size() + 1] (dev_tx_transactions);
          dev_tx_transactions[index] = all_transactions[i];

This is how I call the function and pass the array to another class:

dev0_isr_sequence_h.dev_tx_transactions = host_data_sequence_h.dev_tx_transactions(4'h0);
dev1_isr_sequence_h.dev_tx_transactions = host_data_sequence_h.dev_tx_transactions(4'h1);

Inside the dev0_isr_sequence class, I have:

typedef enum int {HOST2DEV,DEV2HOST,DEV2DEV,HOST2DEVS} all_transactions_t;
typedef all_transactions_t dev_tx_transactions_t[];

dev_tx_transactions_t dev_tx_transactions;

However, when I run it, I get a Suppressible vsim-7034 Array assignment or comparision to type 'enum int… from type ‘enum int…transactions_t$’ error.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

In reply to RaulAguilarPA:

User defined typedefs declared in separate classes are not assignment compatible with each other. You must declare the typedef once in a common scope like inside a package.