OVL assertions in uvm testbench

I have a UVM testbench. one of my interfaces is AMBA APB.
I want to use the APB protocol check, which is written in OVL, in my UVM testbench.
How do I use it?
Currently I get compilation errors for those OVL assertions: (like assert_zero_one_hot,assert_never)


OVL assertions cannot be included in UVM (or any other kind of) classes. You’ll need to include them in the interface that is connected to your UVM driver.

This should be easy - assuming you’ve your OVL model bound to the intended interface, all you need to do is to pass the std_ovl files from your simulator install dir to the compiler. In case you want to route all ovl_errors via uvm_error, you need to tweak the std_ovl_task.h file and change the definition of ovl_error_t task. Let me know if you need further assistance with it.

Ajeetha, CVC

Could you show me how to route these OVL errors to uvm_error?
