NULL pointer dereference on driver seq_item_port

I’m confounded by this. I have a fairly simple sequence/sequencer/driver in my agent. However, my driver seems to be getting something from the seq_item_port that is invalid. Whether the sequencer has sent an item yet, or not, I consistantly get the NULL pointer error. Code is:


      while(!$feof(pin1_fp)) begin
	 pin_item= hdr_input_pin_seq_item::type_id::create("pin_item");
	 pin_item.alpha_in = alpha_in;
	 pin_item.alpha_ch3_2_sel = 'h0;	  //fix later
	 `uvm_info("HDR PIN SEQ", "Starting pin_item", UVM_HIGH);

Driver is:
   virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
//      hdr_input_pin_seq_item pin_item;
      hdr_input_pin_seq_item pin_seq_item;
      wait (pin_if_v.resetn == 1);
      repeat (2000) @(posedge pin_if_v.clk);
      forever begin
	 `uvm_info("HDR PIN DRIVER", "Wait for next item", UVM_HIGH);
	 `uvm_info("HDR PIN DRIVER", "Got next item", UVM_HIGH);
Sequencer is unmodified, just a call to new.

class hdr_input_pin_agent extends uvm_agent;

   hdr_input_pin_driver pin_drv;
   hdr_input_pin_sequencer pin_seq;
   virtual hdr_input_pin_if pin_if_v;

   function new(string name="hdr_input_pin_agent", uvm_component parent);, parent);
   endfunction // new

   virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
//     if (get_is_active() == UVM_ACTIVE) begin
	pin_drv = hdr_input_pin_driver::type_id::create("pin_drv", this);
	pin_seq = hdr_input_pin_sequencer::type_id::create("pin_seq", this);
//     end
   if(!uvm_config_db #(virtual hdr_input_pin_if)::get(this, "", "hdr_input_pin_if", this.pin_if_v))
       `uvm_fatal("HDR INPUT PIN AGENT", "Failed to get pin_if_v");

     uvm_config_db#(virtual hdr_input_pin_if)::set(this, "*", "hdr_input_pin_if", pin_if_v);
   endfunction // void

   virtual function void conntect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
//     if(get_is_active()==UVM_ACTIVE) begin
//     end
   endfunction // void

endclass // hdr_input_pin_agent

Error is:
UVM_INFO /proj/media_imx8_dv_backup/b53418/dc_003/blocks/med_dcss_tb/testbench/classes_v/hdr_input_pin_agent/ @ 2241.000ns: reporter@@pin_item [HDR_INPUT_PIN_SEQ_ITEM] alpha_ch3_2_sel = 0
UVM_INFO /proj/media_imx8_dv_backup/b53418/dc_003/blocks/med_dcss_tb/testbench/classes_v/hdr_input_pout_agent/ @ 2241.000ns: uvm_test_top.u_hdr_input_env.pout_agent.hdr_input_pout_sequencer@@pout_seq [HDR POUT SEQ] Output sequence started
Open failed on file “…/…/vectors/hdr_input_p1CSCA/hdr_input_pipe2.out”. No such file or directory
Open failed on file “…/…/vectors/hdr_input_p1CSCA/hdr_input_pipe3.out”. No such file or directory
UVM_INFO /proj/media_imx8_dv_backup/b53418/dc_003/blocks/med_dcss_tb/testbench/classes_v/hdr_input_pin_agent/ @ 4007.000ns: uvm_test_top.u_hdr_input_env.pin_agent.pin_drv [HDR PIN DRIVER] Wait for next item
ncsim: *E,TRNULLID: NULL pointer dereference.
File: /pkg/uvm-/1.1d/src/tlm1/uvm_sqr_connections.svh, line = 45, pos = 50
Scope: worklib.uvm_pkg::uvm_seq_item_pull_port#(hdr_input_pin_seq_item,hdr_input_pin_seq_item)@11004_19.get_next_item
Time: 4007 NS + 1
Verilog Stack Trace:
0: task worklib.uvm_pkg::uvm_seq_item_pull_port#(hdr_input_pin_seq_item,hdr_input_pin_seq_item)@11004_19.get_next_item at /pkg/uvm-/1.1d/src/tlm1/uvm_sqr_connections.svh:45
1: task testbench.top_level_module.hdr_input_pin_driver@10980_6.run_phase at /proj/media_imx8_dv_backup/b53418/dc_003/blocks/med_dcss_tb/testbench/classes_v/hdr_input_pin_agent/
2: task worklib.uvm_pkg::uvm_run_phase@5038_2945.exec_task at /pkg/uvm-/1.1d/src/base/uvm_common_phases.svh:245
3: process in worklib.uvm_pkg::uvm_task_phase@5038_2945.execute.unmblk1 at /pkg/uvm-/1.1d/src/base/uvm_task_phase.svh:150

/pkg/uvm-/1.1d/src/tlm1/uvm_sqr_connections.svh:45 `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_PULL_IMP(this.m_if, REQ, RSP, t, t)

In reply to charleneku:

in your driver, ‘seq’ is of type uvm_sequence_item not hdr_input_pin_seq_item. Do you have a type mismatch?

In reply to charleneku:

I mad two observations:
(1): while(!$feof(pin1_fp)) : What does this construct mean? It looks like you are reading something from a file. What is the reason for this?
(2): There are 2 ways to retrieve a sequence item from the sequncer/sequence:
(a) performing a get() on the seq_item_port
(b) performing a get_next_item()
Both options require a second command to indicate to the sequencer the processing of the last seq_item has been completed.
For (a) it is a put() and for (b) it is a item_done().

You should first fix these things befor going ahead.