Not able to define a function in interface and call it from Class


Below is what I am trying.

I have defined a function in an interface definition. Have instantiated the interface and set interface handle to config_db.

I am trying to call this function inside a Class method, via the virtual interface handle got from the config_db.

Please guide if this construct is allowed in SV/UVM. Also, what could be the possible mistake I am making here…

Below is how the error looks:

Error-[MFNF] Member not found
/asic/users/xyz/axon/tb/comps/sram_monitor/, 191
Could not find member ‘get_mem_value’ in interface
‘ctest_mon_tmp_interface’, at
Instance stack trace:
/asic/users/xyz/axon/tb/comps/env.svh, 83
/asic/users/xyz/axon/tb/comps/, 7


In reply to Sank:

Please share some code ( mainly covering config_db::set , config_db::get and Tb hierarchy for sram_monitor )
You could also share a link to the complete code on edaplyaground

In reply to ABD_91:


Thanks to respond. Actually, I was making a mistake with compiling wrong file, not able to resolve the error and progress.

In same context, I am unable to use `uvm_info inside the interface code. Any guidance here?

I am compiling this as a standalone file in test bench compilation file list. Tried adding the below two lines at start of file, but that did not help.

import uvm_pkg::*
`include “uvm_macros.svh”


In reply to Sank:

Can you show us your usage of `uvm_info and give us the error message you get?