Multipel +uvm_set_action=

In the command line how do you have multiple +uvm_set_action ? I want to disable two UVM_INFO messages from different UVM components. I tried listing each as its own +uvm_set_action, but it only takes the first one.

In reply to VerifEx:
Did you use 2 +uvm_set_action switches on the cmd-line?

In reply to DVCoder:

It seems that UVM is unable to handle +uvm_set_action for multiple different components, below is work around for two components.

You should try…
1st component: +uvm_set_action
2nd component: +uvm_set_severity

In reply to prashant.kaushik:

This is wrong. See the syntax of this switch:
+uvm_set_action=,,, provides the equivalent of various uvm_report_object’s set_report_*_action APIs. The special keyword, ALL, can be provided for both/either the id and/or severity arguments. The action can be UVM_NO_ACTION or a | separated list of the other UVM message actions. For example:

``` verilog +uvm_set_action=uvm_test_top.env0.*,_ALL_,UVM_ERROR,UVM_NO_ACTION ```