Multi instance agent


I have a uvm agent which was working completely fine for 1 instance. I am now doing multi agent and it seems its its failing when launching transactions on both the instances. It seems the basic test is hanging and i get assertion failure. Here is the link to the failing code. Can anybody tell me why it is failing and did i do all multi instance agent changes correctly?


→ VIF0–> DUT0–>Scoreboard0
→ VIF1–> DUT1–>Scoreboard1


  1. Does the uvm components below uvm agent need to know if we have multi instance array?

In reply to rag123:

Several issues:

  • Your agent should have only one vif handle, not two.
  • You should be passing the agent’s config object (apb_config) in the config_db. This config should contain the VIF handle for that agent. Don’t pass the VIF to the agents.
  • You are using the config_db() incorrectly. You need to scope the targets correctly.