
How to retrieve a correct pointer to the m_sequencer? so that I can do this:

seq1.start(m_sequencer, null) ;

then it works. Currently, it hangs and the simulation does not proceed.

I am only using one sequencer and no use of a virtual sequencer.

pls help!

In reply to samerh:

If you have only 1 sequencer then there is no need to use m_sequencer or p_sequencer. Do simply the following:
(1) in your test declare a reference to your actual sequencer.
(2) in test connect method do the following:

sequencer_handle = env.agent.sequencer_handle;

(3) In the run_phase of test call


The hierarchy env.agent.sequencer_handle; is not seen inside the sequence. Therefore, the compilation fails.

In reply to samerh:

But you can declare simply in your sequence a reference to the sequencer.
In the test where you will start the sequence you need an pbject of this sequence and can make the connection to the sequencer in your env.