Merging of Two interface

Avalon Interface have Avalon memory mapped and Avalon streaming interface…
So how we can merge this two interface please guide me same…or have any related to interface merging doc/ example anything please share…

Why would you want to merge them?

Interface Segregation Principle
Separation of Concerns

If you must bundle them together, why not wrap them in a module or nest them in another SV interface representing a higher level of abstraction?

In reply to UvmSv:

Avalon Interface have Avalon memory mapped and Avalon streaming interface…
So how we can merge this two interface please guide me same…or have any related to interface merging doc/ example anything please share…

I’m not familiar with Avalon. But are these 2 different/alternative operation modes?
If yes, then I’d use 2 different agents using one as requested.

In reply to chr_sue:

Avalon PDF

Yes chr_sue, these 2 different operation modes…Memory mapped store data and streaming interface used as a data streaming operation…

Could you elaborate more how to use 2 different agents…!

In reply to UvmSv:

OK, I understand. I had a short look to the spec.
You have really different ports when using bothe modes. Then a 2 agent solution seems to be the best. Through your configurations or a macro you are activating the selected mode mode.