Issue in read registers via RAL model - return always 0

I created RAL model in my UVM env. Write via RAL is working fine, I see that the requested value is writting well in the relevant register.
My issue is in read register. Read via RAL model is returning always 0 whereas my monitor is reading the good value.
In RAL model, I have a predictor that is connected to TLM monitor, and all seems to be connected well. (adapter…)
My create_map in my register model is such:

reg_block_map = create_map(“reg_block_map”, 'h0, 2, UVM_NO_ENDIAN, 1);
(my registers are at size 16 bits)

Where am I wrong? What is the cause of my issue?


In reply to Shira_S:

You should verify that your register adapter functions (reg2bus and bus2reg) are functioning correctly. If you aren’t seeing the correct values when performing reads, it’s possible that the bus2reg function isn’t putting the read data from the bus into the register properly.

In reply to cgales:

I resolved my issue. I missed to update with the read_data value in my driver before sending the request.
Since the register model is receiving transaction from monitor but also from driver, the read_data should be updated also in driver request.