Import package question

I defined a package like below.

package my_reg_struct_pkg;
  typedef struct packed {
    logic [3:0] reserved;
    logic [3:0] enable;
    logic [7:0] x_index;
    logic [7:0] y_index;
    logic [7:0] z_index;
  } my_reg_s;

  typedef union packed {
    logic [31:0] val;
    my_reg_s f;
  } my_reg_u;

  my_reg_u reg0;
  reg0.val = 0;     // every reg default is 0
endpackage :my_reg_struct_pkg

and then in my test I import this package and try to use the variable inside it. But doesn’t work. The failure information is “Cross-module reference resolution error”

Below is the tests_pkg file content.

package tests_pkg;
    import uvm_pkg::*;
    import my_reg_struct_pkg::*;
    `include "my_test.svh"
endpackage : tests_pkg

below is my_test.svh file content

class my_test extends uvm_test;
    reg0.f.enable = 4'h1;

However if I moved the ‘reg0.val = 0’ from package to my_test.svh, then it works… But I have no idea about it.

In reply to zz8318:

The statement ‘reg0.val = 0’ is an initialization and not allowed in a package. You can create a function in the package which will initialize the variables, but the statement by itself is not allowed.