How to use field macros for variables of type "bit" having vector width greater than sizeof(int)? e.g bit[111:0] xyz;

Hi Users,

This might be a stupid question, but how can I use field macro when registering with UVM factory in following case.

rand bit[111:0] xyz;

uvm_object_utils_begin(abc_seq_item); uvm_field_???(xyz,UVM_ALL_ON)

What goes at ??? (int or bit or anything else) in the above piece of code? What is the significance of using what we use?

Thanks in advance. Cheers!!!

In reply to nikhil.n:

The usage of `uvm_field_int does not explicitlly point to the data type ‘int’. It indicates an integral data type, which can be an int, integer, logic, bit etc.

In reply to chr_sue:

Thank you for your reply.

Does it mean for any width of bit or logic, it won’t have any issues?

In reply to nikhil.n:

It works for any integral type up to 4096 bits. It’s very inefficient and we suggest not using the field macros. See MacroCostBenefit | Verification Academy

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave. The video was really helpful.