How to pass the excel in UVM from tb to lower levels (monitor, scoreboard)


In one of the project we are setting the configuration in excel,basically that has variables with values different form one project to other.

I wanted to pass from tb to lower level(monitor, scoreboard)

Thanks and Regards,
Manjunatha HM

In reply to manjunathahm:

Your question is not clear. It sounds like you already have a mechanism to read an Excel spreadsheet file into your top-level configuration settings and are asking how to propagate those settings down to a lower level. In that case what is the significance of knowing the how the top-lvel was set? You use the uvm_config_db to propagate settings down to a lower level.

Hi Dave , Thanks for the review.
Currently we don’t have mechanism to read an Excel spreadsheet file into your top-level configuration settings.I am from AMS(Analog on top designs) verification team, we need to pass respective analog/bias voltage values to the DUT pins through variable(varies W.R.T projects ). We want to pass the many(around 50 -60 variables) data/variables which varies across different projects. We want pass the respective. Yes Config_db is option pass the variables from top to down, bu if i want to pass 50+ variables then i need to have 50+ statements in tb . Please suggest me how to pass the variables values from top to down(monitor, driver) . Can we make use of package and put all variable in it, then each project will have different package file.

Thanks in advance,
Manjunatha HM