How do I reduce the scope of register RW testcase?

I am new to UVM and trying to reduce some typing in my testcases.

For example in the code below, can I replace the “m_ral_model.cfg.” using
m_ral_model.cfg.ctrl.write (status, 32’h0);
m_ral_model.cfg.ctrl.write (status, 32’hcafe_feed); (status, rdata);

with m_ral_model.cfg.
.ctrl.write (status, 32’h0);
.ctrl.write (status, 32’hcafe_feed); (status, rdata);
end with;

or something similar?

In reply to uvm study:

You can do

uvm_reg  ctrl; // or umm_reg_field

ctrl = m_ral_model.cfg.ctrl;
