How to connect scoreboard with more than one monitor

hi everybody,
In my env class , there is a master agent and slave agent.
and i want to connect master agent monitor and slave agent monitor to scoreboard.

The query i am having is :

  1. do i need to create two scoreboard for connecting two monitors.
  2. and how can i give defination for two write function , one write function for master agent monitor and second write for slave agent monitor .

Please help me for the above question.

In reply to Manirama:

I think you not need to create two scoreboard.

You can follow below steps.

  1. declare analysis port inside Master agent monitor.

uvm_analysis_port #(seq_item) master_mon2scb;

  1. declare analysis port inside Slave agent monitor.

uvm_analysis_port #(seq_item) slave_mon2scb;

3)declare 2 analysis imp to get monitor transaction inside your scoreboard.

uvm_analysis_imp_master_mon2scb#(seq_item,scb) m_mon2scb;
uvm_analysis_imp_slave_mon2scb#(seq_item,scb) s_mon2scb;
//create both port 
function write_master_mon2scb( seq_item m_tr );

function write_slave_mon2scb( seq_item s_tr );

  1. connect inside connect phase of your environment.


I hope it helps.


In reply to Manirama:

hi everybody,
In my env class , there is a master agent and slave agent.
and i want to connect master agent monitor and slave agent monitor to scoreboard.
The query i am having is :

  1. do i need to create two scoreboard for connecting two monitors.
  2. and how can i give defination for two write function , one write function for master agent monitor and second write for slave agent monitor .
    Please help me for the above question.

You did not explain what you want to compare and a few other details of your UVM environment, like the seq_items do you have a master and a seperate slave seq_item?

See the Advanced UVM video course: How TLM Works or the UVM Cookbook for how to do this.

In reply to harsh pandya:

If we need to connect 8 monitors to single scoreboard ,then 8 write() functions need to implement in scoreboard class ,Any other way to optimize instead of writing 8 write() functions ??

In reply to dddvlsique:

As shown in Advaned UVM/How TLM Works, there are two ways to do this. The problem is that the write() call from an analysis_port supports 1:many calls, but not many:1 calls. So, while a single monitor can be connected to multiple scoreboards, the only way to connect a single scoreboard to multiple monitors is to have multiple analysis_exports(/imps) in your scoreboard.

The first method, as you surmised, is to create multiple implementations of write() in the scoreboard using the `uvm_analysis_imp_decl() macro.

class score extends uvm_component;
  uvm_analysis_imp_BEFORE #(tr, score) before_export;
  uvm_analysis_imp_AFTER #(tr, score) after_export;
  virtual function void write_BEFORE(tr);
  virtual function void write_AFTER(tr);

The other alternative is to use uvm_tlm_analysis_fifos to provide the exports and therefore the write methods:

class score2 extends uvm_component;
  uvm_analysis_export #(tr) b4_export;
  uvm_analysis_export #(tr) after_export;
  uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo #(tr) b4_fifo,after_fifo;
  function void connect_phase( uvm_phase phase );
  task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);

Note that in this second case, you need a run_phase() method to actively pull the data from the fifos.