How can i set byte_en in register read/write?

I find this description for byte_en:
Enables for the byte lanes on the bus. Meaningful only when the bus supports byte enables and the operation originates from a field write/read.
I can set supports_byte_enable in the adapter. However, my question is how can i originate operation from a field write/read because i do not find any argument like byte_en in the register write/read methods?

In reply to baberali:

You have to set the corresponding field in the configure method. The last argument has to be set to ‘1’ like this

configure(this, 1, 15, "RO", 0, 0, 1, 0, **1** );

And you have to specify this in the reg2bus function of the adapter like this:

virtual function uvm_sequence_item reg2bus(const ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw);
foreach (rw.byte_en[i])
      trans.byte_enable[i] = rw.byte_en[i];

In the constructor of the adapter you have to set the corresponding bit

this.supports_byte_enable = 1;