How can I generate cyclic randomized values for a variable without declaring another class and using it's object handle (with the obj.randomize command)?

I want to generate random values that are cyclic in nature, or in other words they are completely exhaustive of their possible values.

  1. Is there any way to do this using Scope Randomization, using a UNIQUE constraint? (having declared variable as rand int)
  2. If not then any other solutions that might avoid declaration of a new class?

rand int variable_x;

if(! std::randomize(variable_x) with {variable_x >0; variable_x < varible_x_threshold ; unique{variable_x} ;}begin
                 `uvm_error(get_type_name(),"RANDOMIZATION FAILED")

The above snippet throws no error, but I don’t see variable_x going around in a cyclic manner.

Okay I have found the solution to this issue. Consider the following snippet:

`define addr_max_value 32

rand bit[4:0] addr_array[addr_max_value];
int addr_to_be_driven;
int addr_counter;

if(!std::randomize (addr_array) with {    unique {addr_array};
                                          foreach(addr_array[j]) begin
                                                 addr_array[j] < addr_max_value;   
                                          end                                      })begin

        `uvm_error(get_type_name(), "Randomization Failure")


//This has generated a random, exhaustive pattern of array elements that can be assigned further to required variables inside a loop, consider:

for(addr_counter =0; addr_counter < addr_max_value ; addr_counter++) begin
              addr_to_be_driven = addr_array[addr_counter];
              // addr_to_be_driven can now be used further as required