Functional coverage sampling

Hi all,

In a UVM verification environment when we should start sampling the functional coverage.

For example if we have to a verify a memory which has AXI interface.From our environment we will do some burst write and read transactions ,now if we have to gather functional coverage for write and read transactions when we should sample coverpoints exactly?

thanks and regards,


In reply to SHARAT KOTTUR:

Normally we collect data for functional coverage after the packet passes data integrity check.
So, in your case of AXI transaction, mostly you will be comparing expected packet and actual packet in the scoreboard. After this you may send the packet to the coverage collector.

In reply to debashis_paul:


You can collect the functional coverage after sending the packet to the DUT. It need not to be after data integrity check.

Functional coverage mainly look for the input stimulus(All the corner/selected stimulus is provided or not).

The data integrity may fail, it does not mean that we should not sample that packet.

This is my understanding. Correct me if I am wrong…

Thanks & Regards,
Shriramvaraprasad B.

In reply to SHARAT KOTTUR:
Functional coverage is used for very different reasons. One of the important reasons is to use functional coverage as an indication what has been generated by the sequencer. After a Transaction has been generated you can call the sample method of the covergroup.