Functional Coverage Reuse Bins

Hi All,

With regards to the following code;

module GRG_covergroup;

  bit [7:0] ADDR;
  bit clk;

//  Covergroup containing options
  covergroup CG1 @(posedge clk);
    CP1 : coverpoint ADDR {
      bins b1 = ('h00 => 'hFF => 'h00); 
      bins b2 = (b1 => 'h55);

  initial begin
   CG1 cg_inst = new;
    $display ("*** Functional Coverage = %.2f%% ***", cg_inst.get_coverage());

  //clock generation
  initial begin
    clk = 1'b1;
  forever #5 clk = ~clk; 
  $display ("Finished!!");

initial begin 
  #10 ADDR='hFF; 
  #10 ADDR = 'h00;
  #10 ADDR = 'hFF;
  #20 $finish;
  initial begin 
    $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;

bins b1 = 00->ff->00;
This occurs repetitively, so I want to re use this bin;

for b2, I do not want to write as b2 = 00->ff->00->55;
But I would like to write as b2 = (b1 => 'h55)

I want to re use this bin b1 wherever required so that I can avoid writing entire transition.
How to re use that bins b1 ?

Thank You

In reply to Mahesh K:
Please use code tags making your code easier to read. I have added them for you.

There is no special syntax to do this other than using text macros.

Transition coverage with covergroups has limited functionality. You might be better off using sequences with the cover directive.