Factory encountered no relevant overrides

When I use my_scoreboard1 which extends from my_scoreboard to override my_scoreboard,I get a message that
################factory Override Information (*)

Given a request for an object of type ‘my_scoreboard1’ with an instance
path of ‘uvm_test_top.env.sb’,the factory encountered
no relevant overrides.
The factory will produce an object of type ‘my_scoreboard1’

And the test bench still use my_scoreboard not my_scoreboard1
the factory overrides failed
I want to know Why ?

In reply to panwei1988:

There might be several reasons for this message. Did you register my_scoreboard1 with the factory?
Where are you calling the override?
To debug this situation you can call
This gives you all overrides regsitered with the factory.
You should call this from the test you aare running, directly before the run_phase. I do this normally in the start_of_simulation_phase.

In reply to chr_sue:

thanks for your reply!
I have registered my_scoreboard1 with the factory
And I add factory.print() in the connect_phase.
It shows that my_scoreboard1 has been registered.
exactly I modify main_phase in my_scoreboard1, I delete super.main_phase
then it is going like what I expect!

In reply to panwei1988:

Can you share more code, like how you are overriding, where you are overrideing?

I extends my_scoreboard1 from my_scoreboard,
In my_scoreboard1, I rewrite main_phase
then I override my_scoreboard by my_scorebord1 in my_case.

In reply to panwei1988:

Have you looked at the Factory Override page on verification academy ?


You should not need to use ‘delete’ anywhere in you code.
You should be using the set_type_override or set_inst_override methods as shown

In reply to graeme_jessiman:

Hi Graeme, I did not get your point. I did not see panwei is using the delete method. As I understood from him it is working now.
Panwei can you please confirm again? Thanks.

In reply to chr_sue:

[quote]In reply to graeme_jessiman:

Hi Christoph
Panweil mentioned in his earlier post “exactly I modify main_phase in my_scoreboard1, I delete super.main_phase”.

I took this to mean that he was trying to override the component in the main_phase of his extended class and I thought he was using a delete method but I reading it again he was just deleting the call to super.main_phase.
Anyway… sounds like he was heading down the wrong path and he should use the set_type_override or set_inst_override methods as described on the URL I mentioned.

In reply to graeme_jessiman:

[quote]In reply to chr_sue:

Hi Greame, I see there is still space for interpretation. I was reading panweis explanation that he is replacing super.main_phase with super.run_phase. Nevertheless in the run_phase the testbench has to be created and all testbench components are connected. Removing super.main_phase or super.run_phase might have influence only on the exection of the sequences.
To investigate this, more code would be needed.