Dynamic Address Mapping from Cookbook

I am referring to Cookbook Section Dynamic Address Mapping where it discusses dynamically removing / re-adding registers and memories .

It has following code ::

class mem_ss_reg_block extends uvm_reg_block;

  function new(string name = "mem_ss_reg_block");
   super.new(name, build_coverage(UVM_CVR_ADDR_MAP));

  // Removes mem3 and the registers associated with it from the AHB_map
  function void security_demap();
   AHB_map.unregister(mem3_offset);  //  Defined  where  ?
   AHB_map.unregister(mem3_range);   //  Defined  where  ?
   AHB_map.unregister(mem3);         //  Defined  where  ?

However  I  observe  that  class  uvm_reg_map  has  no  function  definition  for  unregister  
In  fact  there  is  no  function  named  "unregister"  in  the  entire  UVM  Library .

How do I achieve the unregistering part for registers and memories from their register map ?

In reply to Have_A_Doubt:

Which version are you looking at, the cookbook is for the 1800.2-2020 - IEEE Standard for Universal Verification Methodology Language Reference Manual | IEEE Standard | IEEE Xplore IEEE Std 1800.2™-2020

Page 253 of the standard describes the method as follows: unregister
virtual function void unregister( uvm_reg_map m )
Removes all knowledge of map m from the current block and, therefore, all registers, memories, and virtual
registers contained in m from the current block.

Other versions like 1.1d, 1.2 do not have such methods, like unlock_model, unregister, etc. so it is not possible to do such manipulations in those.


In reply to rgarcia07:

Which version are you looking at

I was looking for it in version UVM 1.1d ( the same version is used for projects )

the cookbook is for the 1800.2-2020 - IEEE Standard for Universal Verification Methodology Language Reference Manual | IEEE Standard | IEEE Xplore IEEE Std 1800.2™-2020

I missed out on the Cookbook Introduction section which mentions the same