Creating Queue in a transaction class


I have a monitor in which I need to access a Queue and perform push_back operation . If I were to create a Queue in transaction class and access it monitor class how can that be done.

class my_packet extends uvm_sequence item;

[159:0] txpf_c2cd_wdata [$]; // this is the Queur which i am trying to create in transaction class


class txpf_data_monitor extends uvm_monitor;

task run_phase ();



c2c_data_trans = c2c_data_transaction::type_id::create("c2c_data_trans");

c2c_data_trans.txpf_c2cd_wdata.push_back(; // How can this be achieved, Because it says push_back method is not found in c2c_data_trans class

@(posedge clk);

In reply to Chethan Mohan:

Where is your problem? Please specify.
But the question is why do you need a queue in the transaction?

In reply to Chethan Mohan:

What is the relationship between my_packet and c2c_data_transaction?